
Smoking Pot NOT making me high?

by  |  earlier

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So I was at a friends party over the weekend, drinking, playing beer pong, flip cup, and just having a great time. A co-employee of mine was also there and he had a joint. I decided, well why the h**l not? "Its the weekend!?" This maybe has been my 3rd time trying pot... first time not being to long ago (about a month ago). We had like 3 rolled blunts passing it around in a group of 4... and I could not just get high, while my co-employee is a huge pot head, and you can see in his eyes that he was high within the end of the first joint. It's not like I WANT to get high, I just want to experience it.... the only thing it made me do, was become thirsty which ended up with me drinking more beer.




  1. Are you certain that it IS pot?

  2. If you were already drunk you might not have really noticed the high.

    Oh yeah, and uhh, drugs are bad, mmkay, dont do them.

  3. When I was younger, the first maybe 5 or 6 times I smoked pot- it did NOTHING!

    Then one day, I smoked and it just hit me!!

    Nothings wrong with you. it happened to me too! If I try n smoke now, WHOA!!

    It'll happen after a few more times...

  4. You may have been pulling a Bill Clinton (what i'm referring to here is not inhaling the smoke, not accepting BJs from a certain dark haired lady..) When you toke make sure you really hold it in and feel the smoke filter down into your esophagus--pot is not tobacco and shouldn't be smoked like how one would smoke a cigarette. You should get a pretty good high that way.

  5. It affects each person differently.  Some get only high. Some get paranoid.  Some lose the ability to talk with others.  Some get a huge case of the munchies.

    maybe your body chemistry is such that you don't get high from THC much if at all?

  6. Why are you smoking pot in the first place???

    You do know that if you apply for a job and they

    want you to take a drug test.

    You can fail it, and not be hired.

    Think about it.

    - - - - -

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