
Smoking Pot? Opinions?

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what you think bout it?




  1. I really don't have a problem with it, I've never tried it though. I'm just not going to risk getting in trouble with the law because I got high.

    I don't think it should be illegal though. Maybe for 18+ people it would be okay, like smoking, except cannibis is natural.

  2. I truly believe it should be legal  check out this site

    I have used for years it helps several of my health problems especially my severe migraines that can  knock me on my *** for hours or days at a time.  One small bowl and my pain is entirely gone. Now I do use responsibly .. I work 2 full time jobs both from my home office.. I do NOT drive while using. It should be made legal, more people are killed from using alcohol and drinking and driving which is pure stupidity, Marijuana can also help us "go green"

       1. Cannabis and hemp are the same. "Marijuana" was the Mexican name given to cannabis.

       2. Cannabis was first cultivated in China around 4000 B.C.

       3. The original drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written ion hemp paper.

       4. One acre of hemp will produce as much paper as four acres of trees.

       5. Hemp is a source of fiber for cloth and cordage for rope. The hemp fiber is located inside the long stem of the plant.

       6. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. Washington, our first president, declared, "Make the most of the hemp seed. Sow it everywhere."

       7. Hemp seed is nature's perfect food. The oil from hemp seeds has the highest percentage of essential fatty acidsand the lowest percentage of saturated fats.

       8. Sterilized hemp seed is commonly used as bird seed.

       9. Rolling papers, like Bambu, are made from hemp paper.

      10. In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Stamp prohibited the use, sale and cultivation of hemp/marijuana in the United States.

      11. Five years later, during World War II, The U.S. Department of Agriculture released the film, "Hemp For Victory," which encouraged American farmers to grow hemp for the war effort.

      12. Hemp is cultivated all over the world. Today, China, Korea, Italy, Hungary, Russia and France are among the countries that grow hemp for fiber, paper and other products.

      13. Cannabis is classified as a schedule 1 drug by the Food and Drug Administration. Designated as a narcotic, it cannot be prescribed by physicians to patients.

      14. In 1989, the DEA's own administrative law judge concluded that "marijuana is one of the safest, therapeutically active substances known to man."

      15. Cannabis can be used as a medicine to treat nausea, pain and muscle spasms. It alleviates symptoms of glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, migraines and other debilitating ailments.

      16. Thirty-five states have passed legislation permitting medical use of marijuana.

      17. Twelve Americans recieve prescribed marijuana from the U.S. government.

      18. More than 400,000 Americans are arrested each year on marijuana charges.

      19. More than 400,000 Americans die from diseases related to cigarette smoking each year.

          More than 150,000 Americans die of alcohol abuse each year.

          But in more than 10,000 years of usage, no one has ever died from marijuana

    put that in your pipe and smoke it !!!

  3. i think its great...i think it should be legal.less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes....what more could a person want!theres no way to abuse overdoses no withdrawal.....its all good!

  4. It causes all sorts of psychological problems, including apathy, paranoia and schiozophrenia.

  5. its good. and should be legal.

  6. I think the punishment does more harm than the drug ever  could.

    I also think that it should be for adults only. The brains of teenagers/children are not yet fully developed and marijuana could potentially interfere with that process.

    And as with anything, moderation is key.

  7. Medical use Yes, recreational NO.

  8. of course smoke Mary Jane and only Mary Jane because it was made by nature not man, where as tobacco was made by man, tobacco is an hybrid plant.

    And not only that but the reason that they have given for legalizing it, has no legitimate base what so ever, not even a medical reason, its all base on the so called dangerous classes (poor folks) blaa bla bla.

    search "Noam Chomsky on marijuana" and listen to him explain the history of the legalization of marijuana.

  9. when i was younger i thought it was  fine  and  helpful  to deal with pressure   these days  i find  pharmaceutical  drugs  cheaper  and  more far as recrecreation is  concerned well  a drink a  joint  or even  cocaine can be  fun   but  not  to get  carried  away  till you get addicted  to it  and the line  to addiction is  quite thin so be careful

  10. man bi all means DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I don't think it's that big of a deal. Except for people who abuse it.
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