
Smoking ban. Help please?

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Hey you guys,

I am doing an essay for my english class. The question is, ' Smoking should be banned in ALL PUBLIC PLACES.' Do you agree?. I am having a little difficulty finding useful websites, I could use a little help on it.

Thank you so much. Love:)




  1. A good place to start would be to define what is a public place, arguably every restaurant is owned by someone who is trying to make a living out of it, however it is viewed as a "Public Place" in the majority of smoking bans.

    If you want to actually get some facts about passive smoking then this is a good website  

  2. Well, I'm a social smoker and I know that when my mate needs a smoke, he will not give a d**n if there is a ban on smoking in public places, he will do it anyway. My mum smokes as well and I know pleanty of other people who smoke as well, all of them friends of mine and it would not really be fair if you banned all people from smoking in public areas. Because some people are just so old and have been smoking for so long that if they don't smoke they will go nuts and if they are not allowed to smoke in a public area, then they could become a danger to alot of people.

    So I guess it's a half and half situation really. Because most smokers don't want to harm other people, but then there are the smokers who just can't help themselves but light-up in a public areas because they are just so stressed from not smoking.

  3. I'm a smoker i do agree on the ban yes it is my right to smoke and kill myself maybe doing it. but i don't have the right to harm hubby does not smoke i do not smoke in my home nor does anyone else. if some one is visiting out on porch and i will ask if it bothers them if so  i will go away to yard to smoke.i never smoke around children when they are here. smokers are so into its there right to smoke and the bans would take it away but what about the rights of others who don't smoke do they have to put up with it so you can harm them  I DON'T THINK SO.

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