
Smoking ban?

by Guest21245  |  earlier

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Yeah, I don't need a lecture from self-righteous cementheads. on how bad smoking is. Real humn beings enjoy all kinds of activities, and smoking and drinking are among the most enjoyalble.

This is about Saxony, Germany, so if you can't be helpful, fickt euch.




  1. "Smoke like a human being."

    That's a contradiction in terms for a childish habit.

  2. yes they have outdoor places that are sheltered with tables and you will this in every pub or bar.. yeah but it is getting warmer now =]

  3. I wouldnt say its bad for its more healthy for all the smoking and non-smoking. Helps the smoking to cut down and the non smoking not to have to deal with second hand smoke.

    Whats the point in smoking anyway I ask. some say it relieves stress which I would laugh in your face and say wait till your older!

    Others might say we all got to die sometime , in which case i guess there saying the want to kill them selves as soon as possible. lol

    If you want to relieve stress do things you enjoy go for a walk, ride a bike, read, draw etc. that will not endanger your health.

  4. if you are so addicted to smoking and drinking i am very sorry for you

    just pump more tar and nicotin in your lungs and kill your braincells but we dont think that destroying ones body shouldbe praised

  5. The law in the US is that you can NOT smoke inside ANY public establishment.

    And by the way... 'Normal' human beings don't drink and smoke.

    P.S. If you REALLY want to smoke, and it's not *exactly* smoking, go to a hookah bar.
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