
Smoking in South Africa (whats the laws?)?

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Can someone let me know what the laws are with regards to smoking and public places in South Africa




  1. South Africa adopted strict new regulations that ban tobacco advertising, limit smoking in the workplace and force bars and restaurants to build walled-off smoking sections.

    Under the regulations, employers must protect their workers from workplace exposure to tobacco smoke.

    Bars, restaurants and hotels must forbid smoking except in designated, walled-off areas, where a health warning must be posted. Retailers who sell tobacco also must post a health warning.

  2. bascially you cant unless theres a smoking sign saying you can. you can smoke outdoors almost anywhere but not inside malls or stores - unless it says otherwise.. most coffee shops and resturants have smoking sections here anyways

  3. tobacco or weed

  4. New legislation for smoking designed to tighten up current loop-holes is being planned in South Africa with a bill drafted by the Health Ministry looking to prohibit smoking outdoors within a prescribed distance from a window, ventilation outlet, doorway or entrance  to a public place.

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