
Smoking in pubs again ?

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When is Boris Johnson Opening up the pubs to smokers again, i heard he was considering letting a selected few pubs allow smoking, personally if i had a pub i would only allow you in if you do smoke, and you all know it would be the busiest pub in London, and all the do gooders can put the thumbs down on me, but you know i'm telling the truth ! Give the british people a choice !




  1. I am a none smoker but I actually found the air inside the pubs much fresher and less stuffy since the smoking ban. I agree with the answerer above about the right to clean air.

  2. I tottaly agree with you I would also like to see if this law  has affected tourism as well ?

  3. Sounds good to me.... I've always said there should be a compromise... ie SOME non-smoking pubs, and SOME smoking pubs... then everyone's happy? Not too much to ask is it?

  4. Well I live in Southwest Florida and for now we can still smoke in the bars, I know smoking is a bad habit, but i feel it is my choice to smoke and for those of you who dont, dont go to clubs where there is smoking there are plenty of places for you to go where you wont feel like you have been polluted, stay off our turf and i can assure you we will not invade yours

  5. As i said before,if you go clubbing abroad you see these

    British complaining none smokers happily mixing with

    the smoker with not a thought about,cough cough i

    hate smokers or complaining about the smokers.

    Must be just a British thing, moaning.?

  6. I agree that it should be a decision made by the proprietors of the establishments and then as an adult I can make my own decision as to weather or not I drink there. Having said that, I tend to find that all the friendly chatty people are now outside!!!

  7. I sincerely hope that smoking is never allowed in pubs again. I am an ex smoker and finally woke up to the fact that it is a filthy, disgusting addiction. Everything stinks - clothes, furnishings, cars - the list is endless. As for going out with someone who smokes, it must be like kissing an ashtray. Smoke and kill yourselves if you are too weak to give it up, but don't inflict it on the rest of us.

  8. i think that if he lets some puts have smoking areas again that all pubs should have smoking areas. smokers go outside now for a cig and non smokers go out with them because they dont want to be inside allown so i dont see the point of havong a smoking ban in the first place.

  9. well said you would most certainly have the busiest pub in the country we moved abroad before it came in but we've been back and it's sad to see that so many publicans who worked hard over the years to build a good business have been let down by the government.The problem being the British public are very well trained [like little lap dogs] who do as they are told the french did this in the early nineties and no one took any notice and they are having another go this year you need to start a movement to pressure MP's to repeal this stupid law

  10. Yey bring back smoking in the pubs!!! you're right it would be a very busy pub!

    I went to Spain last week and it was such a pleasant experience to be able to smoke with a drink again, I had to have a ciggie everywhere I went just because I could :-)

  11. I would like the choice NOT to have to smell smoke...... Second hand smoking is dangerous to non smokers. I wish smokers had the same respect for non-smokers. Do not blow smoke in my face. I'm allergic and hyper ventilate if I get to much smoke.

    I applaud those places who don't allow smoking. Even restaurants that seperate smoking doesn't help. I always have to ask to be seated way in the back so I didn't have to smell smoke.

    Oh well, go ahead and give me thumbs down. Smoking is my pet peeve! n

  12. Move on.

    It's illegal and morally wrong to poison other people with your vile, stinking, cancerous smoke.

    Light one of your cancer sticks near me and get a broken nose.

    More people don't smoke than those who do - so live with it.

  13. It's not about a persons right to smoke. It's about a persons right to clean air.

  14. I'm certainly not going to you a thumbs down. If you owned a pub that would allow me to smoke I'd be there like a shot ! Well, theoretically !! Obviously I'd need to live there. Seriously though I'm sick to the back teeth of being told what I can and can't do and being treated like a criminal for smoking. I very rarely go to pubs now. By the way, what happened to all those non smokers who said that they'd return to the pubs once they were smoke free? If that's happened why have so many pubs gone to the wall.?

  15. dont know about where you are, but where i am we have something called a beer garden, and it has seats and heaters and its actually very warm (even in winter) in some of our pubs we even have bars outside!

  16. too right, and now the summer is on its way we will have all the non smokers giving dirty looks and wafting their hands in the beer garden.

  17. I think if you want to take part in smoking then no one should stop you after all it is your decision but ask yourself if it is fair to put non-smokers in the dangers of what smoking causes through 'passive-smoking'

    I think if only a few selected pubs were allowed then i wouldn't complain but if i was my local i would be bitterley dissapointed.Drinking is much more enjoyable for non-smokers when they are not exposed to smokers!

  18. Yeh too right he should, they never asked the people in the first place. And surely it's in the governments interests aswell because all you see in London now is pubs that are boarded up and shut down. ALLOW SMOKING AGAIN=PUBS OPENING AGAIN=MORE MONEY FOR THE GOVERNMENT.


  19. I quite like the smoking ban - I'd avoided pubs for years as the smoke was just too much.  The only problem now is to get into a pub you have to walk through the fug of cigarette smokers puffing away outside the place.

    Oh, and most old pubs *really* smell fusty and nasty - this was disguised by the cigarette smoke!

  20. Smoking is disgusting and the town is so much better after the smoking ban.

    Dory: rather that than smell of f**s after being there for a while. Smokers stink. Fact.

  21. My son is at Uni in London and tells me that the pub near him allows smoking inside - so he's always there!

  22. well said Chris, this ban just shows that we in the UK do not have the democracy we thought we had,

  23. the choice has been made /no smoking

  24. I see 2 difficulties.

    1. The law has been passed, and neither you, nor I, nor Boris can change it.

    2. My firm belief is that, were landlords allowed to make the choice, there would be only a very small number who would elect to run none smoking pubs.

    Consequently, parliament would need to change the law, and none smokers would have to learn to live with it, or locate the one in a thousand pubs that choose to be smoke free.

    I don't see it happening.

    Freedom of choice though, would be re-established, and all the healthy, none smoking, self righteous people could go elsewhere.

    Now the problem with that is that they don't actually want to go elsewhere.

    They perceive that smokers want to inflict their wishes on them (we don't and will be quite happy for them to stay away), but they wish to impose their choices on us.

    edit: Those none smoking people just do not get it. do they?

    No-one is saying "you are forced to endure a smoky atmosphere".

    If you don't like it, or are unwilling to tolerate it, STAY AWAY.

    It's so simple I can't see why they can't understand it.

    All those comments about how nice it is not to be exposed to smoke - OK, it  probably is from their point of view, BUT nobody is insisting that you go there.

    Make your choice and stay away - NO-ONE WILL MISS YOU.

  25. I've actually enjoyed smoking outside, friendly people always talk to me and it's entertaining to share a drunk hug with a stranger. so there.

  26. I've actually given up smoking now and feel tons better for it. I would like to own that pub though, I'd make millions

  27. Well, in my area, there are still neighborhood "pubs" where they smoke.  You can tell when the "inspectors" come in, because they have a clip-board and are wearing a badge!!!!

    Some people DO take advantage of the "No Smoking Law", but for the most part smoking within the establishments is pretty rare.  Most patrons DO go outside to the parking-lot.

  28. I miss it when i go for a meal...................... there was nothing better than sitting there and finishing your meal off with a drink and a smoke.

  29. what about the bar staff, the cleaners, all the people who have to go into the pub to work and whose choices are therefore limited?

    i agree that people should have free choice, but we could end up in the weird situation where smoking was a job requirement for bar staff, or even weirder, that if a smoking bartender gave up smoking, they would face losing their job.

    its just that nothing is simple, thats what im trying to say.

  30. If you opened a pub that allowed smoking I would be there. I haven't been to a pub since the smoking ban came into force.

    Cookie. How can you say the town is better since the smoking ban. You see groups of people in the door ways and cigarette butts all over the floor. If you want to go into the pub you are breathing in just as much nicotine before you have even entered.

  31. d**n right, we should have a choice. I agree that that the best solution should have been to have selected pubs. Then, we all have a choice.

    People have the right to eat, drink and do whatever else they want . Cigarettes may be harmful, but they are still legal.

    Drinking is just as harmful and also legal. Therefore, until the Government make them illegal (as if they ever would, considering the money they make from them), I think we should be given our rights back.

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