
Smoking in pubs?

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Does anyone want to see the smoking ban lifted in pubs?




  1. Yes and no. Yes, because smoke-filled rooms added a certain ambience to pubs and, of course, the pubs were generally fuller. No, because my clothes and lungs and general well-being prefer an unpolluted atmosphere when I'm drinking.

  2. i wouldn't want it lifted but i do think there should be a seperate closed in area for smokers,not an umberella and an ashtray outside

  3. Im a smoker and im not fussed either way

  4. The people who like the ban want to have clean lungs while they're destroying their livers and brains.... Kind of ironic, isn't it?

  5. I think it should be repealed and I am an ex smoker.  It is part of the ambiance of the bar, and if people don't like it they should come up with a better solution.  Perhaps a separate indoor smoking facility?

    Really though, I think the best option is for people to open up SMOKE-FREE bars instead of making them all that way by law.  A few in every town would sure draw a crowd, while allowing smokers to still enjoy their night out.

  6. No. For every ones health it should stay banned. Data shows that the smoking ban in scotland has decreased the number of smokers. I do not think there should be some smoking and some non smoking pubs as groups of people with mainly smokers would go there giving the others no choice. Also how would it be regulated? Most would end up just being smoking pubs again because landlords would want to appeal to as many customers as possible. I do agree how ever that facilities for the smokers should be better.

  7. I hate smoking bans. d**n health fascists.

    And anyone complaining about the health effects of second hand smoke while they are poisoning themselves with alcohol should be declared legally retarded.

  8. No, not at all. Sorry.

  9. It will never happen!

  10. I'd love it...

  11. Yes, but I think the over weight fat slobs should be baned from going in a pub, They are more disgusting the cigarette smoke. and we have to sit there and look at them. It is bad enough to see fat adults. But when they pull out of McDonald's with there fat family eating the unhealthy heart disease causing food it discuses me. There should be a law against fat  or their children should be taken from them.

  12. h**l no. **** smoking!

  13. Most pubs have two bars. One can be no smoking and the other one for smokers. Hey whats the big problem. I don't smoke but my wife does. Been trying to loose her for years

  14. No I most definitely do not.

    Yes smokers should be free to smoke but they should not be allowed to make others ill from their fumes.

    Everyone knows that smoking causes cancer and other nasties, so if you choose to do that to yourself so be it, but it is not fair to do that to other people.

    I also think that smokers should not be allowed to smoke around children even their own. OK so you wanna kill yourself early but why the h**l have children if you're going to smoke them into an early grave?

    Just my opinion.

    Bright blessings x

  15. I don't think the ban should be lifted as such but I do think that landlords should have the freedom to be a smoking or non smoking pub. That way we have the freedom of choice.

  16. Yes!

  17. I'm a smoker and I really don't mind popping outside for a smoke, but I really am fed up with This Government's idea that simply banning everything will solve all of our problems.

    I do think though that It should be down to the individual pub whether they allow smoking or not. Surely everybody would be abe to choose whether thy work in or use that pub?

  18. Anyone ever heard of a punch-up because folks had too many cigarettes & became aggressive?

  19. noooo wayy...its a disgusting habbit!how dare you!

  20. NO.  Introducing the smoking ban was the best think ever that this government (or any previous governments) have ever done.

    Personally I would like to see the purchase/sale/import of tobacco products made ILLEGAL in this country.

  21. The government has no right telling a business owner what is or isn't allowed to be done in or on his property as long as the activity is legal.  Last time I checked, smoking is still legal. Now, I do realize and respect  the health concerns about 2nd hand smoke. In addition, I am a former smoker. However, if a business owner wants to allow smoking in the establishment, thats his choice. If non-smokers don't like it, they can go to another establishment. The same thing works in reverse...if a owner wants his business to be smoke free, the smokers can go to a different place if they don't like it.  

    Again, the government has no right to force this issue upon the business owner. The smoking, or non-smoking, is taking place on PRIVATE property..not public property.

  22. I am a smoker and proud of it. I wouldn't go into a pub now if they gave away free beer. The thought of standing there listening to all those self righteous fools would drive me straight up the wall

  23. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    just in case you didnt know. NO!!

  24. The idea that you can enter a place of bussiness, get intoxicated, then possibly get in your vehicle and in a couple minutes instantly kill or injure one or more people, Yet in the same establishment you cannot smoke and theoretically kill some of the people who choose to be there in 40-50 years from supposed "second hand smoke" escapes me.

  25. There should be pubs that are allowed to have smoking. It will be interesting to find out if the lack of second hand smoke actually reduces lung cancer. It will take years to find out.

  26. the publican should be free to set up a smoking room with air extractor ventilation. if you have it at slight negative pressure (like in industry for areas designed for dodgy processes) smoky air wont billow out into the rest of the pub when you open the door.

  27. No, I have only just started to go to pubs again because of the ban.

    I would stop going again if it was lifted.

    I was so fed up of returning home stinking of stale smoke that's why I gave up going to the pub, that was about about 20 years ago. So I would hate the ban to be lifted.

  28. Definitely not . Pubs have never been so nice - even inviting!

  29. Well I do love the fact that where I live bars are smoke-free. I don't want it lifted (I'm a non-smoker)

    However, having said that I don't think that bars should be required by law to be smoke-free. I'm not for or against bans on smoking in bars - I'm more neutral. (Although I'm 100% for bans in restaurants)

    However, if a ban was passed, it was for a reason and I think that the ban should stay.

  30. I agree with Katie These people that smoke just dont understand how devastating that habit is to their bodies.  I used to work in a morgue as part of the clean-up crew.  I've seen th effects.

      It's amazing to learn how people abuse themselves and then feel justified to impose their habit with second hand smoke upon people who want to breath clean air.

        No way , they should outlaw cigarettes!

  31. no because its not just yourself you are harming in closed spaces...
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