
Smoking indoors...?

by  |  earlier

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I was needing to know if there is anyway that i can smoke in my bedroom indoors without spreading an odor around the house and without getting caught? or should i just do it outside to be safe? help me out. I would like to smoke indoors without getting caught and without setting off smoke alarms.




  1. Alright..there is a way, but you still have to be careful. you probably don't want to do this unless your parents are going to be a gone for a few hours, but you go into the bathroom, and turn on the exhaust fan. then take a paper towel tube (yes the brown kind) and then take the fabric softener sheets (prefferable bounty or a really good brand) and use one of the sheets, and wrap it around one of the ends, then ruberband it on. then you take more, and stuff the tube with the sheets. when you smoke the cig blow in the end that doesn't have the sheet rubberbanded around it. Oh, and make sure you have a towel under your door so the smell doesn't escape that way.

  2. Id have to say it is almost impossible to cover the smell, gets on the walls, in fabrics, pretty much be a lot less hassle to just go outside trust me

  3. Most houses are heated (and cooled) by moving air.  The return air is drawn from your room and recirculated thru the house.  The odor will spread.  Even with the air off, the smell spreads.  I can tell my kid is smoking up in his room because his room and my bathroom are on the same heating duct.  It travels down the duct.

  4. No there is no way. Don't be lazy go outside and smoke.

  5. Just smoke outside.  It stinks up your room and nonsmokers, especially, will detect the smell right away.

  6. Put a small fan on the top of your open window to draw the smoke out.

  7. It's practically impossible to smoke inside and not get caught because people who don't smoke can detect a lit cig. a mile away. It's even worse for people who have reactions to the smoke like asthma, headaches, etc...their bodies react to the smoke w/in seconds. I would go outside to be safe.

  8. NO!!!...gross, gross, gross.....smoke outside....or, better yet...QUIT.

  9. just dont do it full stop

  10. No theres definatly no way around will have to smoke out side!!

    and Ewww why would you even consider smoking inside!!

    That just sound plain laziness!! let alone disrespecting, especially if you have to hide it !! Just go out side!!
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