Question: there a better way to quit?

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If someone has a serious drug addiction...there's rehab for them....same with over weight individuals...there are various residential programs for them...Are there any programs similar that focus on smoking? I don't mean support groups...I mean in a setting similar rehab where individuals can go to get past their first few days of non-smoking.

Then I thought of another grand idea....wouldn't it be great if there were an agency that would contract out their support staff to actually go and LIVE WITH individuals who were trying to quit smoking? They would act almost as a babsitter and provide support. I think that would help a lot of people. What do you think?




  1. I think that there is only 1 way to stop smoking and that is to suffer for about 3 weeks until the addiction subsides. Willpower is the only way.  

  2. They could get hurt though if the addictor is fierce and i think thats what put people off. Good idea though.

  3. Drug rehabilitation's centers work on addressing an individuals emotional and psychological issues as well as creating a controlled environment that sets the ground work for a life without drugs. This is how quitting smoking should be attacked. You will need to kick the rid yourself of the drug-addiction (nicotine) which they say generally takes 3 weeks. Personally I think that is the easy part, the most difficult part is trying to change your habits to not involve cigarettes. You need to re-program yourself to be able to do things that used to involve smoking to no longer be associated with it.

    Good luck!

  4. Chantix worked wonderful for me. It was like it turned off the switch in my brain that told me i had to have a cig right then and there! Check with your doctor. THe only downside is that my insurance didn't cover it. But it has evened out how much I spend a month on cigs. Good Luck!

  5. Try chantix, have patience.

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