
Smoking kills your eggs??

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Okay, It is hypothesized that smoking reduces the number of oocytes (eggs) in the ovary as women who smoke enter menopause earlier than nonsmokers.WTF does that mean?? I am about to be 21, I smoke cigs, about 8 a day, and I have been told that if I don't stop I won't be able to conceive. Is this true? I want to have a baby, but at the same time if i don't have a cig I go crazy! It is so calming and I have a stressful job and life, but who doesn't you know. I'm not trying to make excuses for myself and I am aware of the side effects of smoking cigs, but the way I look at it IM GONNA DIE ANYWAY, might as well live my life happy. So anyway, if you smoke cigs, and my bf and I both smoke weed "occasionally" (only at parties and stuff like that) How bad does it hurt our chances? We can quit the pot at anytime. If its hurting us. I just wanted to know how BAD it is hurting us. Has anyone gotten preggo, or known a couple that got preggo, when both partners smoked?? Please help and for the non-smokers be considerate with the comments okay I know there are people out there that absolutely HATE cigs! Trust me I use to be one of them. :) But I like it and Im just wanting to know how bad it is hurting us and if/when I need to stop. Thanks




  1. i was preggo but had a misscariagein june and bot me and my bf smoked at the time i got preg and im trying again and have not smoked nearly as much bc i wasnt sure if that was why i misscaried. but i dont think it does

  2. way back when, my brother was concived while my parents were very heavy smokers, and pot heads. (they quit pot, after.)

    so I'm sure it lessens your chances a little bit.

    but im not completely sure... here are some things I found on the internet.

    Every woman is born with eggs which, when fertilized, develop into a baby. At birth, women have about 1 million of these eggs stored in their ovaries. By the time you start menstruating, you probably have about 400 000 eggs available for fertilization. Over time, the number of eggs that you have in your ovaries will decline, and you may not release an egg every month. Eventually, as you enter menopause, your body will only have a few hundred eggs left and you will probably not ovulate again due to a change in your hormone levels.

    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of smoking on ovulation induction for assisted reproductive techniques. DESIGN: Matched, retrospective, cohort study. SETTING: Outpatient University endocrine/infertility program. PATIENTS: Eighteen smokers and 36 nonsmokers: 2 nonsmokers matched to each smoker for age, weight, and history of ovarian surgery. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: During a stimulation cycle, the serum estradiol (E2) level, number of follicles, number of oocytes, number of embryos, and ampules of gonadotropins used were compared in the smoking versus the nonsmoking groups by Wilcoxon's signed rank test for paired data. Follicular fluid (FF), testosterone (T), androstenedione (A), E2, A:E2 ratios, and T:E2 ratios were measured and compared between groups by Mann-Whitney U-tests. RESULTS: Smokers had significantly lower serum E2 levels, fewer follicles, fewer oocytes retrieved, and fewer embryos per cycle than nonsmokers, despite equal amounts of gonadotropin administration. Follicular fluid obtained from mature follicles had a higher A:E2 ratio and a higher T:E2 ratio in smokers compared with nonsmokers. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking adversely affects ovulation induction parameters and alters the FF hormonal milieu.

    -I have no i dea what half of that c**p meant!!!!^^^

    Establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential if you are thinking about having a baby. If you currently smoke cigarettes, then it is wise to consider giving it up.

    Even if you don't plan to have a baby straight away, smoking compromises your menstrual health and the healthy functioning of your reproductive system. Studies have shown that smokers take longer to conceive than non-smokers, and this includes passive smoking

    Heres the best one I found...

    Smoking affects women undergoing in vitro fertilization "Smoking lessens the chance of successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment and women should be actively encouraged to quit before undergoing IVF, researchers recommend. These data should lead us actively to discourage smoking among women before IVF treatment. The explanation may be that smoking causes vascular problems, which inhibit the embryo from implanting in the wall of the uterus," Full article at's_heal...

    Smoking has many harmful effects on the unborn child - ranging from reducing birth weight, increasing spontaneous miscarriage and increasing the likelihood of other pregnancy complications More at

    hope it helps and isnt to much to read!

  3. hi there, i used to suffer from the same "disease", if i didn't smoke i would go mad, when ur life style is stressful u just wnt to get rid of it some hw and f**s is d easy way out.

    I can tell u that smoking those reduce ur fertility and chances to conceive in the near future.

    Weed is even worst then f**s cuz it has much more chemical  substances in it.

    I'm 20 weeks pregnant and both me and my hubby used to smoke f**s i stopped and he still smokes but very few a week. i tell u being smoke free is d best, my hands hair and clothes don't stink anymore nor does my home.

    anyway i hope the link below will help.

    good luck

  4. As far as the pot goes, my partner and I conceived while we were both smokers. It supposedly reduces the sperm count in men, but we had no problems conceiving, though I've laid off since then. He was a heavy smoker. Cigarettes are alot worse than pot as far as pregnancy and conceiving goes though. If you are thinking about having a child, you really should quit.

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