
Smoking laws in care homes for staff

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My partner works in a care home and all the staff have just been told they cannot smoke outside as they have been able to do since the ban came in. The excuse was because the law says you can not is this legal as now the staff have to walk down the road away from the home to have a smoke the most annoying part is though they still have to take the residents out for a smoke or sit with them while the have one in designated areas




  1. Its pretty much legal.  Public schools have had these rules in effect for years.

  2. Your company is acting within the law.

  3. Same in the NHS.

    It's pathetic seeing patients dragging their drip feeds down to the main road to have a smoke, they've paid into the NHS system to recieve this type of cavalier treatment,  and being joined by the staff who smoke so they can all breath in the pollution from passing traffic.

    Taking into account the duty of care that the NHS has to patients I'm curious to know what will happen the first time a patient drops down dead through this ruling.

  4. "fraid so - smoking is such a pariah right now, anyone can do anything to smokers.

    I'm surprised the killings haven't started.  It is assinine to escort smoking residents to smoking areas while staff has to go down the road.

  5. consult your local council, some homes make up their own rules , check it out .

  6. I agree. things have, as usual, gone a bit daft in this department.

    When visiting hospital recently for a cataract op, he signs said "no smoking in the grounds"

    What hogwash. I natuarly took little heed to have a quick puff in the car-park.

    I could of sat in my car, then what would they do ?

    What about lighting my log fire during winter ?

    All that smoke from the chimney totally polluting millions of cubic miles of air.

    No, it has got silly.

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