
Smoking my pipe in a restaurant or bar?

by  |  earlier

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How come when I want to smoke my pipe in some restaurants and bars I am not allowed to, the manager will ask me to refrain from lighting my pipe. Yet these same restaurants and bars have a smoking section where people can smoke cigarettes. Pipe smoke smells way better than cigarette smoke any day. Why do these restaurants and bars descriminate against pipe smokers?




  1. because its soo last decade!lol Jk you should go ask them next time

  2. In Florida you can not smoke anything in a bar or restaurant, except fish    hahahaha

  3. Actually pipe smoke has more cacinogens in it then regualr cigs. So I think they may be looking out for the health of their employees and customers. Also too I don't want to smell that while I'm eating sorry. Also smoking anything in Ohio is banned in all restruants.

  4. i always thought it smelled better too but still didnt want to smell it while i was eating. sorry now you cant smoke at all in bars and restaurants in minnesota. yeah

  5. pipe smoking,and cigar smoking is pretentious,outdated behavior that certainly has no place in a dining is honestly looked at by 90% of society as just obnoxious.but since you asked the question,lets ask YOU a question..............if you are continuously being snubbed for the pipe smoking at these places and you are spending good money,why would you not ask a manager to explain the policy?seems to me you are not asking a question here.more like just making a weak argument in favor of stinking up a restaurant.i bet if you have a family you cant even smoke that pipe in your own home.

  6. its all good here in Cali, they don't discriminate...if you smoke you have to leave:)

  7. well not to sure but I have bar tended before and I do not smoke my opinion is this cigar smoke smells better but is way stronger and clings to your clothes more

    before you know it you wont be able to smoke anywhere

  8. same in Tennessee, smoking is banned

  9. I feel its an adults right to smoke anywhere. The smell never bothered me. Drinkers bother me. Especially when they breathe on you while you are trying to eat.

  10. Hard to say, some people just don't appreciate the finer things in life like a fine bowl of pipe tobacco.  I would rather smell someones pipe smoke any day.  I hate cigarette smoke.

    Ashley C - how could pipe tobacco contain more carcinogens that cigarette tobacco?  Explain in a scientific manor.

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