
Smoking people die first or alcoholic person?

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Smoking people die first or alcoholic person?




  1. both are a pain in the b-- to be around.  so who cares.

  2. alcoholic person

  3. depends upon the stamina of tatt person!

  4. smoking....alcohol doesnt kill if taken in small amount.....but smoking not only kills the user but also people around...

  5. Alcoholic person dies first

  6. both togather kills each other, provided you have good eating habbits

  7. depends on how much of the product is long they have smoked or drank, but most likely the alcoholic person..

  8. my mom is a smoker. and she was an alcoholic. she got sick from the booze first. she has a lot of liver problems now, she can't drink anymore. the smoking thing hasn't given her any problems... yet.


  9. No diffrence bothe are killer. In fact it is on the person how much the person has damage its leversimilarly how far the peson has infected the lung. But it is true these two shoten the life.

  10. It depends. Smoking is however worse in one sense, that even limited smoking may lead to cancer, whereas limited alcohol intake is not generally harmful.  However, the word "limited" is defined by alcohol-addicts in different ways. Alcohol however, is worse in one way, that too much alcohol intake can kill a person in one day itself, whereas smoking is a slow killer.

  11. Both are harmful for a person and both interferes thee body's main working system. Like alcohol damages the largest organ, Liver while smoking effects the respiratory system by damaging the lungs. So both are very very harmful. So one should avoid using both. Instead of that use some health drinks which are good for your health as well your life.


  12. well smoking damages the lungs and drinking damages the liver

    the liver is the major gland of the body and obviously you breathe with your lungs so you need both of them

  13. Generally, alcohol kills a person faster, due to liver damage and car crashes.

  14. You either die of Liver Cancer or Lung Cancer..depands on your volume of intake...???

  15. Overall, smoking does more physical damage -- to the lungs, circulatory system heart, and brain. Smokers dies from lung diseas, heart attacks , and strokes.

    Alcohol causes more fatal accidents, though . . .

  16. Alcoholic. Smokers start to die in late middle or old age.

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