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Is smoking cigars as bad or worst as smoking cigarettes, because i know that cigarettes can have effects on your liver, lungs, can give you cancer, destroy your voicebox, and give secondhand smoke, so does anyone know the effects of smoking ciagars, or are they the same as cigarettes BAD?




  1. at the very least, you'll look cooler.

  2. Of course they're just as bad.  Its still tobacco and its three times the size!

    Which is worse, a cheeseburger or triple cheeseburger?

    One cigar is about the same as smoking 5 cigarettes!

  3. cigars are actuly worse

  4. omg, thet're just as bad, like probably worse, my grandpa smoked them for 2 years, winded up with throat cancer, and died... x

  5. Cigars are non habitual because they are for a rare occasion. Plus you do not inhale. They are fine once in a while. About 300% better then cigarettes.
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