
Smoking question... 16 year old?

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yes im aware that smoking is bad for you especially at your teenage years so please dont tell me everything i already know

I tried smoking in May of this year. the first thing i smoked was weed and that was only once to try it.

then i got into B&M's which never became addictive but i started doing it for the next 3 months, but only like every other weekend, and id only smoke one.

but about 3 weeks ago i smoked about 3/4 of one and saved it. the next morning my chest/lungs started hurting. everytime i tried to breathe it felt like my ribs were caving in. I inhaled somewhat of a lot the night before, but still i didnt rely smoke the whole thing and i never felt the pain before

then pain went away later that day

but i jus felt like **** all day that day

i promised myself id never smoke again and ive stopped since then

but my question is

was the pain because i smoked, or inhlaed too much or what

im a VERY athletic person and have an athletic body so im not outa shape at ll.




  1. Smoking can be very irritating to the lungs, and that can cause the kind of pain you describe.  If you inhaled a lot, then your lungs might have been really quite irritated, making it painful to breathe.   I've never heard of someone having such a strong reaction to only 3/4 of a cigarette, but if your lungs are sensitive then they could have reacted strongly.

    Yeah... best stay away from the sticks of badness from now on.

  2. Well, your body might need a lot of air, expecially if you althletic, but with the smoke your lungs are not as powerful, and might have been trying hard to get oxygen and so it hurt.  But do you have asthma?

  3. Smoking even cigars and not inhaling your are still getting smoke into your lungs. The amount you inhale directly effect lung capacity and use. The pain is caused by the damage to the air sacks and the silica in your lungs.

    Stop now. It takes a brave man to stare at lung cancer. It take a strong man to resit temptation.

  4. Nothing's impossible, but that doesn't sound like a reaction to smoking. More like you caught some kind of 24 hour virus and got pleurisy:

    If it happens when you smoke again, you'll know that it was a reaction to the tobacco.

  5. it becuase you are not used to it and listen to me if you athletic i suggest you continue to be athletic and take care of your body do not do things that you will regret

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