
Smoking <span title="kills..............................?">kills.......................</span>

by  |  earlier

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please tell me if u think this video is funny or not?




  1. Walaikum Asalaam,,

    yaar, thats not really funny

    you lead me to watch another video of some paindu swearing in english, Astaghfarullah, I laughed it it

  2. it kills :P

  3. Salam =D

    Yeah it&#039;s funny the first time I watched it.

    But I feel so sorry for him. And what do the guys say?  

  4. I enjoyed it! I hate smoking!

  5. yeah it&#039;s funny but not for him. that was really dangerous

  6. I had to watch my grandfather slowly over the span of 12months die and whither away of lung cancer... it was not a nice sight.. he wasnt old either.. he was 50yrs old.. thats actually prime of life..

    it was horrible on all of us..

    I will never think of smoking a cigarette the same ever again...

  7. and the shock kills as well lol

    i wonder how ignorant who smokes while looking at his pretty spoiled lungs printed on his cigarettes box!

  8. Smoking kills everyone. It is 100% true.

    Pls stop smoking.

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