
Smoking straight cloves?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sure many of you have heard of clove cigarettes (Google it if you don't know) but my question is, are there any drawbacks to smoking straight cloves (for the numbing sensation) without the tobacco?




  1. It's likely that the taste of the cloves would be far too strong without some more mild tobacco mixed in with it.

  2. clove cigs are worse for you than regular cigarettes, i don't care what anyone else says. also...straight up cloves are stupid. if your going to do anything with them, they're the best when you take something else vicodin. and then you can chew them. and it makes you tweak out and have this weird sensation. it's alright, but it kind of makes your mouth feel weird.

    but, overall...i say skip cloves and just smoke some pot. : )

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