
Smoking weed does not cause brain damage.?

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Why are there still naive folks out there that still believe the "pot rot" theory. Most of the stigma behind this stems from 1940's propaganda. If you really look closely the differences between the early 1900's movies and modern urban legends are scarce. I'll pick best answer for a legitimate answer ither way, but back it up.




  1. it does smoking weed is a form of drug and if you are  caught by the police and be in the jail or rehabilitation centre or mental hospital well er... call it anything you want.....

    in these places you can get brain damage

    but if you are not caught i saw one picture that was shown to us in the school that like burned the brain like bitten first then burned inside

  2. Kerry is bullshitting you. Even recently the scientist revealed a new research. Much of their findings reveal hypocrisies and deceit. They even blamed weed for findings for tobacco. And the same idiot doctors on his 'hotline' still insist on duping people. There is nothing to prove that it gives cancer or cause mental illness. In fact, it seems to prevent lung cancer. We live in a f'd up world is all I can say. And most people love to just jump on bullshitting band wagons. All we do is accept laws on arrogations that are based on assumptions called beliefs. What you hear said about weed is as superstitious as the religion that the Ashanti fore-father the peace day born spider 'judah hanasi' started with the biblical plagiarized documents.



  3. (Edit: I know my answer's long, but please read it. There's some really good information here)

    You're on the right track. The stigma against cannabis is almost 100% political.

    In fact, when William Randolph Hearst originally wanted to alter public opinion of cannabis through his hegemonic newspapers, he chose to coin the word "marijuana" for very strategic reasons: first, because he hated Mexicans (for racist and economic reasons - they controlled the trees that he needed paper from to produce his news... long story). But second, if he had stuck with the familiar word "cannabis," people would have thought he was nuts because it was widely accepted medically at the time. So, he changed the name, hooked up with Anslinger to find unverified and ridiculously gruesome cases of the "consequences" of marijuana, and once the people were scared enough to listen to whatever he said, it was too late to realize that this was the same substance that had been benefiting society for years. There's more to the story of course, but you get the idea. Once you learn the history of the illegalization of cannabis, you tend to feel really... wrong. Literally, this huge, twisted, corrupt plot that was spun 80 years ago still survives in the public morality! It's absurd and unjust.

    That being said, there is no such thing as a "harmless drug." Marijuana won't cause brain damage, but it does speed up your heart rate which can be very dangerous if you have a heart murmur. Also, like cigarettes (although cigarettes are 1,000x more addictive and dangerous), having any kind of smoke in your lungs can cause cancer.

    What makes marijuana NOT dangerous compared to other drugs is that it is the only one that does not stimulate dopamine AT ALL. Dopamine is the neurological chemical responsible for excitement, *motivation* and reward. Which means that anything stimulating dopamine is going to have a high chemical reward and quickly addict a person via neurological pathways. Marijuana doesn't do that - it has a unique "evening out" effect on the brains chemicals. When you understand exactly how alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, tobacco and every other drug effect the brain individually, it becomes quite clear that marijuana is absolutely the safest option of ANY of them.

  4. It causes mental illness. This will be backed up by any mental health unit you would like to ring or lifeline. It is a very high risk factor to mental illness not a myth.

  5. The negative affects of marijuana include respiratory infection, short-term memory loss, impaired learning ability, impaired immune system, increased anxiety, increased heart rate, possible panic attacks, and even cancer.

    According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Currently, smoking marijuana is not recommended for the treatment of any disease or condition.”  

    Also, according to a report done by the Institute of Medicine, “There is little future in smoked marijuana as a medically approved medication.”  

    But the report also said,

    “Because of the health risks associated with smoking, smoked marijuana should generally not be recommended for long-term medical use. Nonetheless, for certain patients, such as the terminally ill or those with debilitating symptoms, the long-term risks are not of great concern. Further, despite the legal, social, and health problems associated with smoking marijuana, it is widely used by certain patient groups.”  

    The report when on to point out that,

    “The goal of clinical trials of smoked marijuana would not be to develop marijuana as a licensed drug but rather to serve as a first step toward the possible development of nonsmoked rapid-onset cannabinoid delivery systems.”

    However,  I believe we need to understand that there is a possible necessity for medical marijuana and that the ethics of allowing marijuana for medical use is being taken into consideration. Marijuana has shown to help with illnesses like chronic back pain, glaucoma, arthritis, aids, and cancer patients.  While there are other medicines that can help treat these symptoms, marijuana remains an option.

  6. I beg to differ with you. I know people who smoke it and have for years and they definitely have a change mentally. It's much like alcohol abuse. I don't think it happens to the casual user but for the friends I have, I see their memories have deteriorated, they have a much smaller speech pattern, sometimes I repeat myself because they take so long to answer me back. It just seems as if they are extremely slowed down (and they aren't high at the time either). In my opinion too much pot just like too much alcohol blows some brain cells. However, I still think we should have the right to choose whatever we want and it certainly should not be illegal. I'm not against it, I just think it's a substance that should not be abused.

  7. Yes it does....some of it, especially the street kind.  You never know what is in the weed on the street.  And just like anything, used in excess it has negative effects.  It does kill brain cells and it can effect sperm count.  Hate to break the news to you....

  8. Well, it is proven to have negative effects on short term memory.  I believe that this is reversible though.  Once you stop, you short term memory becomes stronger.  The other person who replied to this and said it causes mental illness is wrong.  It is not a cause, it is a dual problem.  Many people with mental illness attempt to self medicate and many use marijuana for this.

  9. it affects the short term memory.  You become very forgetful even when your not high!

  10. The only reason I'm answering is to tell you (TRITONET) is right ... she deserves best answer .

  11. Dont be stupid, how can inhaling all chemicals into your lungs be good for you, or even not affect you. Why do you think there all these phycho's walking round stabbing people, there all paranoid from the weed and the other substances. GROW UP.

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