
Smoking weed while pregnant?

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ok im 36weeks pregnant and have a scedualed c-secton in 4 days. I just quit smoking 3 days ago! i didnt know i would have the baby so soon and they will be doing a drug test do to my insurance (state) im really scared and dont know what to do. This is my first baby and i dont want them to take her from me. Is there anything I can do?? I live in oklahoma if that makes a difference. I need help!!!!




  1. Now I do not know about the laws over at your place but if you can some how prove to them that you had quite or you will what ever only then they will give child back to you other wise it would just be spoiled as you did with your own self.

    Smoking is that truth which human being created by his own hands to kill him self and the love one around.

    You already are in the pain after your child is taken away from you so now you should plan things differently and try to be normal and never smoke might be possible by doing this your child might be returned to you.

    The only way you can have you can have your kid back is that you need to show them the you really had got your lesson and you would not repeat such an illegal activity ever again.

    But initially i think they will most probably take away your child from you. And when a child is taken away then there would be nothing with you.

    So please never smoke weed again that is what I can advice you.

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