
Smoking with my parents?

by Guest59531  |  earlier

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well i've been smoking for quite some time and i thought well who cares so i went to my mom and said i want to try a cig so she said well ok you can try cause she thought i'd throw up straight away but i didn't and she made this face worth a million bucks and i'm still laughing about am i a totall @ss??




  1. Yes.

    Not for smoking, but for playing your mom like that.

  2. I started when I was 16, and was able to keep it from my parents. Doing my own laundry, and having a 3 pack a day smoker in the house helped me with that. When I turned 18 I fessed up.

    My father didn't care, because he was the one who smoked. My mother on the hand, still is upset that I do. Even though she married a smoker, she didn't want her daughters smoking.

    After I told them, my father and I each had a cigarette. If you could have seen the look on her face. I'm 40 now, and I still have to hear her bs sometimes.  

  3. No..most of my friends parents said they would rather have there kids smoke with them than anywhere else...

    So know you not an a** lol, just smart to ask your parents first :D

    Kind Regards,


  4. lol, smoking is horrible for you and you really never should have started. But that's funny! It always amazes me to see how shocked smoking parents are when they realize that their kids smoke too.

    And nope, you aren't a total @ss. It's funny! And much better to ask your mom for a cigarette than to steal when she isn't looking.  

  5. YUP

  6. yes.

  7. Why do you think your parents don't know you smoke? It's easy to tell the difference between an experienced smoker and someone who's just trying it. Anyway, now that you've smoked in front of them, why don't you just tell them? Or just ask for another, get them used to the idea.

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