
Snail help?

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well i have one snail.its in my ten gallon tank.for some reason it keeps going to the top of the tank.and will stay for a little while and then after a few mineuts will come back down and go back up.Why is my snail doing this?Any advise about snails and breeding and what to expect and every thing?





  1. What kind of snail is it?  Apple/Mystery Snails need to breath at the surface, while nearly all others have gills.  There is a possibility that your tank is oxygen deficient, which would cause the snails to go to the surface where the water would be better oxygenated.

  2. Some snails do this just for "fun" it seems like.  I saw a video clip of a moon snail I think it was riding the bubbles from an aerator up, crawling along the underside of the surface, sinking, then starting over again.  Why?  Who knows, but quite entertaining.

  3. It's breathing.
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