
Snail in a dream..?

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I had a dream where i was a snail. and i was green then had a blue shell with all the numbers up to 22 (my fav number is 22 if that helps) all being different colors and i remember a friend of mine carrying me around in his hand talking to me, i know i had a good feeling in my snail "gut" with him there. so we "walked" around and there was green fields, blue sky with white puffy clouds. there was a lot of smiling from both of us. we sat on a bench at one point and he let me crawl on his legs and arms, and we had some ice cream too! it was a very happy dream...and i'm just i just happy or...something? thanks for the help. :)




  1. it could mean that u just really enjoy ur best friend and u and him r really tight

  2. One interpretation:

    "Snail" is a "polarity disciple."

    Blue and green are faithfulness and healing/music/truth respectively.

    The brighter the colors, the purer or higher the energy.

    "Ice cream" is a symbol of "indulgence" or "mercy."

    These symbols' interpretations are taken from Ann Ree Colton's "Watch Your Dreams," an excellent read.

    Your friend is a symbol of a higher being or helper.

    The numbers up to 22 indicate another kind of purity; 22 signifying initiation or mastery.

    You might also like reading "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet.
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