
Snake Question ????????????

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I am thinking of getting a snake but i want a small one that will stay pritty small do you any ???????




  1. Well for a "beginner or starter" I would recommend a ball python for many is that they stay pretty small.

    Some info on ball pythons: They are "docile" but would never recommend to be near children w/out someone watching because ball pythons or get head shy. Any quick movements can scare them so if a child is holding it, please be careful. Ball pythons tend to stay quite small(4-5 feet, 6 feet if you are really lucky) so that's why they are considered as beginner snakes. But I'm just going to tell you that they aren't the bestest eaters in the world. Actually they are quite picky(i know i know it sounds bad but snakes can live up to a year without eating) So if there is something in the cage that don't like they probably won't eat. Or if they don't like the way you're feeding them. But they don't tend to bite or strike as often though which is good =] So in summary, The pros- stay pretty small and they are more docile then some others so don't need to be handle daily(they can go up to 1 month or so without being handle and still won't be aggressive). Cons- They are head-shy and for the most part horrible eaters.

    Cornsnake: They are one of the best eaters I've seen other then king snakes and all that. They don't get to big(around 5 feet maybe even less) and they are..I guess quite docile. You do need to handle then daily though just in case(better be safe then sorry). So they would be use to being handle by people. Corn snakes would make an OK beginner snake but I wouldn't recommend children around them because they could squeeze them and most likely kill him because corn snakes have very small bodies. Pros- Pretty docile, excellent eaters, stay decently small. Cons- Does need to be handle often, not the best snakes to have around little kids because of their size.

    Hope this could help!

  2. Corns- they are small, generally docile (although not as hatchlings) very sweet. I can't think of a better snake, plus there are lots of colour and pattern variations you can get. You can get all- white ones, red ones, yellow ones, stripy ones, zigzaggy ones, black and grey ones.....

  3. Lol, a glow worm, hmm.

    Personally i would back up anyone saying corn snake, they stay fairly small compared to boas etc, can be good eaters and are very docile and quick to get used to being handled, their needs are fairly basic too.

    A garter snake is also an option, as they are very small, but sometimes it's easier to have a slightly larger animal if you want to hanlde it regualrly.

    i'd check out any recommended species first though and see which one you feel is the best for you.

  4. children's pythons and rosy boas are the two best breeds of snakes i have ever handled. they both grow to a max length of about 3.5 feet. they are very well tempered but the rosy boa is the best. the only problem with the python is that they are headshy and you have to work with them for a few weeks to correct that. i have both and i love them to death plus i have an 8month old brother so these snakes are the perfect size and not a threat to the baby

  5. Hmm You should get a Cornsnake they don't get really big. Or you can get the ones listed below:

    Garter Snakes

    King Snakes

    Ball Python(grows up to 3-4ft)

    Have fun with yoor new snake

  6. sand, rubber and rosy boas are small and stay small. Also children's python also is a great choice.  

  7. A corn snake is a pretty safe bet for a beginner! They are very tame and reasonably small, reaching a maximum height of around 5 feet!

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