I had this really scary dream like one month ago...
I was sitting in a group of people, sort of left out, but sort of not... We were sitting on a long picnic bench, I was on the end. Then this huge snake appears! It's neck is really thick. And the people are telling me and the others "don't be afraid, just be calm. If you're scared, it will notice, and it will bite you!" One guy were saying this while the snake made a rapid movement towards him, but he didn't really scare, so it did it to another person instead. But when it was my "turn", I got sooo scared, and with the speed of lightning it bit my neck (left side). And...then...I think I died.
And then I woke up
What does this mean? And what if I dreamt the snake was in my bed, or it bit my leg, and not my neck?
Insight will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance