
Snake bites??!!! Pic Inside! And how can I convince my father to give me parental consent??!!?

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Ok so my dad told me I cant get pierced because Ill look like a w***e..It was a nice thing to say...Really, people are what they are because of their actions and thoughts, not for their piercings...How can I convince him to let me get pierced?

This is me

If it wouldn't look good, what kind of piercing looks good on my face?




  1. I don't think that would work out that great. Everyone just goes with  the flow and wants snakebites. They really aren't that great and get infected easily. For you I would recommend nose and maybe a monroe piercing, any questions about that just email me!

  2. you have a cute face, I wouldn't add any piercing except for the earrings

  3. i think snake bites are really going out of fashion i had them when i was about 16. its hard to eat with them to start with...and i think they would make u look younger cuz alot of emo kids are getting them and tbh it looks they are wannabes. when u grow up u wont want them trust me...then u will have 2 lil holes on ur face like i do.

    if u do realllllllllllly want them get one done first that would look cute and not 2 gothic...

    i thinka  lil ring in ur nose would suit u more tho

    hope this aint 2 offensive just thought i would tell the truth :)  

  4. A stud in your nose(maybe silver). And a red stud tongue ring

  5. go with a nose piercing but not to big. Plus your hot

  6. where did you exactly want to get peirced

  7. I'd say a nose, simple and cute.

    Not too much, but it's something.


  8. One right above your lip. Like one of those small studs. And not on the lip above it to the side. Sorry I don't know what it's called. Or a cute nose ring.

  9. your dad seems really against piercings..also it depends on how old you are.. if you are like 14 or 15 i doubt he will let you get any, but if you are 16 or 17 maybe start out with a smaller piercing like the nose. i'm sure he doesn't want to see his daughter with big holes near her mouth so i would go for some part of your ear or nose and i bet that would be a lot easier for him to say yes to.

  10. ooh not snakebites.

    i think a monroe would look much much better on you!

    idk if you can convince. Wait until you are 18. A lot of parents won't budge on these sort of things..and if you need his consent..well, you're screwed.

    you COULD do it yourself, but you shouldn't. If you decide to do it yourself, make sure that EVERYTHING is clean and sterile!!! Sterilized hands, needle, and face is the most important thing. (even sterilize after you pierce it.) and do some research so that you don't pierce something that shouldn't be!

  11. i think your trying to hard

  12. Do NOT get snake bites.

    Maybe a nose ring or tounge piercing would look good but no snake bites.

  13. I do not care for face piercings, it does look trashy

  14. Listen to your dad. He's right about not getting pierced because when you grow older, you may regret it. And the looks you project to people affect how people will judge you. Earrings are okay, but anything on the face will make you look trashy.

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