
Snake dream -I have had the same dream off and on for the past few weeks... Snakes are all around me and and I

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snakes praying not to get bit... What is the meaning




  1. You are heavily involved with people, the friends, who are not actually friends but in fact enemies.  Beware.  Their intentions are not good toward you.  This is a bad dream , a bad omen, take heed.


  2. you need to reevalute your people and be more catious about your friends..

  3. very interesting dream -the dream realm is a very personal one, it's riddled with symbolic meanings, coded language, and even more confusing; very plain out right literal translations <when you are looking for the snake to mean something other than snake, you can drive yourself crazy not seeing a snake is just well a snake. you know?>some meanings/translations of the code the subconscious uses are universal;  same meaning to/for everyone.some things are translated though person to person-might hold the same meaning for just you or a few even. the third one however is like fusing the two.. and this is what I have seen most translations do.. take traditional meanings and personal experience changes mutates it into something very new...that may hold meaning for you?-> or better yet? you will still have to puzzle it out as your subconscious mind may be the only one who knows the exact meaning of each clue to the message it is trying to relay to you--okay now, because of all this; while you read my answer<<-and the other answers as well ->> -I ask for your patience. read each thru, think about each..and also the dream...- first though, think back to each part of your dream<s>; all of it... from what you think mundane to any splash of colors..emotions felt--While dreaming, not afterwards--to the actual events-- and very important; what changed each time you dreamt this dream...<<why? the subconscious will change pieces/symbols used if the message remains undelivered-- unread -- and until you understand it? might be this one will on and off again continue... more horrific -usually- to get/keep your attention, until you understand your message>>   -so note any change, addition even something missing from one to another?   Note:  some people find journals help; if this cant be solved on the same day... to start if you remember vividly? dont worry... if you want however?   jot the odder things down.. or each one in whole even whatever helps you out-next;   think about the things you are going thru now.. have recently, in past.. have considered or thought about for future..questions, dreams/hopes-- even from long ago, wants, desires,  problems or issues or situations -moral dilemas too, fears-- they do not have to be of snakes... any thing that for even the briefest of seconds flashed thru the mind... a change in lifestyle, hair, job, spiritual views... or home - a move.... please keep an open mind here <nope... not gonna suggest anything> I do not want you to be disillusioned either...  - and it may be that any of the answers, some/all together or none will give you a clue--so, while looking for "the answer" keep in mind while one or more answer may hold a clue or two, or a few together may be the "one answer" it may only be tools you end up with and breaking the code may be left solely in your hands-dont get frustrated in the long run we <together> hopefully will have taught you to fish... instead of just feeding you one single dish..  having said all that.. your details are very few.. I will give some suggestions of mine to you.. starting with snakes and meanings they hold --snakes shed their skins and have been universally viewed and a "death to rebirth"  = big changes in you. not the literal translation. usually it means a spiritual change of view...also to life; in that the death of the "old" you and in place of this; a new, reborn..changed or transformed life... now a question or two for you;  I asked you reflect on events, thoughts, ideas, etc..see if any of those fit, like puzzle pieces- to the translations of snakes..has there been a major change beginning in/with you..? something you are unsure of. or questioning? something you may not realize right away... so think about it a bit while you continue reading answers here. the fear of "not getting bit"--if the dream happens again. I suggest you allow yourself to be bitten..if you still are not sure of the meanings bites-in dreams one meaning-usually- means to partake/intake (like when you are eating yes) only not to digest.. just ingest while transferring something to the one bitten... and where animals are concerned <mostly again> rule of thumb is that the knowledge, abilities/qualities of said animal are something we need/want to have in us.  before I go further - before I lose you --> reasonings (from what I have read) we take into us knowledge - bite into things-  we gain strength abilities according to violent myth based history that we are taught and hear about from a really young age.. and how is it that two share a "special" bond as a child?? I have spit and blood brothers/sisters- do you? spit sealed the deal and promises too.  - so in the back of our minds somewhere buried... we translate bite with taking/transferring.. so.. with a snake... mundane first;  it can go long periods without the need to eat... is misunderstood... needs heat to digest - tummy problems bigtime without... as it grows it sheds the old skin all at once... less mundane are really the same I already said... it is seen as a symbol for death and rebirth.. for changes - drastic major or quick/fast all at once..the changes are to the whole while growth and life appear renewed..- the bite you fear may be? possibly... a change? again I come back to that I know... so think for a minute if you brushed it off earlier..the fears - are they after or during... if after.. disregard. if during? are you already afraid of snakes? if not... it could be you fear what they symbolize. or;

    something else in the dream may be the focus... and the snakes are your subconscious to point to it as a clue.. like they are harboring a "treasure" -- or what the "thing" <-- change or situation in question and this is a theatrical manner of reaching you?- have you been watching Indiana Jones lately? are the snakes guarding something?

    bear with me again -  try and think back to the first time you dreamt this.... what are the feelings, sights, colors and smells? is there anyone else there? any words that were said/exchanged? - the snakes could be symbolic of whatever else is there...

    or of what is said..could be they are guarding something though; a thought, felt, believed by you? and you have wanted the answers and because you know them down deep... your subconscious is/may be saying that what is on your mind <or something you are worried over> are protected by whatever the translation of the snakes is..... and you need to get past those first and even deeper into that: might be that what is the concern and protected by snakes <<which whether in realtime or only dream world you have now exhibited fears of>>

    example: - in order for a situation to happen, you have to face and overcome an obstacle, and your fears -I realize there are a lot of possibilities I suggest here..without more information as to what is going on in the dream? that is the best I can personally assist in translation. I hope I was able to help you  and thank you for taking the time to read this  good luck and have a great day

    --from your edit I can tell you what that part sounds like to me:

    change is weighing you down you do and need to continue to wade through it....

  4. I have an extreme phobia of snakes. It's serious and i've been to professionals about it. The dreams though, they started when i was about.....11? I was in a room with snakes surrounding me. The slithered up my body and attacked and suffocated me. The dreams got worse. It turned out, i was so afraid of their looks more than anything, and it took over my thought process. I'm not afraid of large, deadly snakes! It's pathetic, only the smaller slithery ones. My mind was going INSANE! So, you might actually have a phobia of them. If it;s really affecting you after you wake up, i would see a therapist or something about it. it doesn't mean your crazy, its just your brain.

    good luck!

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