
Snake eggs?

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I have a garder and smooth green snake that someone just recently gave to my son, that was found in northern wis. In the last day or so one of them have laid eggs. My questions are how do you tell who laid them? Are they fertile eggs? How do I care for them so they hatch? How do you tell if the eggs are alive(well not the eggs,The babies)? And any other info about the snakes or the best way to care for them would be extreamly apprecaited. Online research doesn't seem to be giving me the info that I am looking for. Thanks in advance for all of your help!




  1. Well first thing I would do is buy an incubator if its already not too late.  You can buy one for about $40.  The main thing about moving eggs is that you have to use a pencil, not a marker bc the ink can go through the shell and hurt the baby, and gently mark and X on the side that is facing up.  Put some peat moss in the incubator and GENTLY move the eggs to the incubator carefully so that you do not roll or rock them.  There is an air bubble in the eggs, and if it is tilted or made to move then it can rupture the embryo.  That is why it is so important to not move the eggs much, if any at all.  You have to dampen the peat moss to cause some humidity.  Probably want to keep the temp around 80-85 F.  Any that are unfertile will be smaller, soft or gooey like, and discolored.  The harder or more leather like white ones are the fertile ones.  You can do a thing called "candle the egg".  This is where you can get a small flash light and hold it up to the egg to see the blood vessels/embryo.  As for knowing which one is the proud momma, well lol you may have to wait until hatching day.  All hatching days are different for different snakes, so I dont know how long for those.  I have a clutch of Corn snake eggs right now.  Well good luck, hope this helps.  Email me if ya need to at

  2. I suggest you give heat to the eggs immediatly they can doe pretty fast without heat. So put a heat lamp over the tank, If you have a extra tank  I suggest you seperate the two snakes and the eggs.

  3. Here's a clue, garter snakes do not lay eggs, they are live bearers so it has to be the green snake. Keep the eggs warm & slightly moist in peat moss or the like & do not move them around.

  4. theirs noway to tell until they hatch, if your not sure they're fertile put them in a warm place slightly buried in moist mulch, or those special soils they sell at pet stores ( trust me mulch works just the same and is much cheaper.)  check them every week, if they've gotten bigger they're alive

    besides snakes usually don't lay eggs unless they mate.
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