I live in a concrete jungle.. a town house, my back yard is all patio with brick planter boxes its about 15x20 all blocked walls..My indoor cats loves to look out the sliding window at birds. One day a cat was all fixated on something right below the screen door. I looked to see what it was and it was a HUGE LONG SNAKE moving along the screen door base, it was doubled up to half his size moving slowly. I couldn't see its tail so since it had same type of markings as a rattle snake to a novice I FREAKED!!! I kept still until I saw his tail it didn't have a rattle on the tail thank GOODNESS! Troubling part is he eyeballed me, I mean he was NOT scared in the least, he kept coming to us. I didn't go out back for 3 days, I was so scared, big chicken here.. I did looked up snakes and it looked like a gopher snake, are they really that fearless? How the heck did he get here? Since I live in a townhouse only opening is one inch between the house and the block wall from house to house.. I called my neighbor to see if her son lost a snake but she said nope.. This experience is so weird to me how he got here and why he was so fearless.... Any ideas?