
Snake in the tub cloging the drain..?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so today I'm cleaning the shower ...the tub has always been clogged since I can remember, no matter how much liquid drainer I put in there, so i got a pipe cleaner...stick it in, pull up some hair....and RIPED A SNAKE IN HALF! There is HALF a snake in the tub right now...the other half is still in the drain! I'm FREAKING OUT right now and not sure the next course of action. I have no clue how much deeper the rest of the snake is right now...Should I wait for my hubby to get home, have him take a look and call a plummer, or is there a way I can fix this alittle cheaper?


-Happy fun Times.




  1. OMG I would have passed out!! I am so scared of snakes!! Can u call your hubby at work?

    Well being that the snake is riped in half I am assuming it is dead or hoping it is LOL...

    I would speak with hubby first to see what he says! Esp if he is a handy man around the house it would be cheaper for him if he isnt a handy man then I would call the plumber!!

    Best of Luck to you!!!

  2. OK, call a plumber to open the drain. (be sure to explain what you found so he doesn't have a heart attack) Tell hubby when he gets home, after you tell him you have not been drinking.

    Now, a more important question...WHERE did the snake come from? Since the middle of the 19th century, ALL sewers are closed systems, preventing critters entering for this very reason.  Did the snake get into the drain from your end? Is there an underground break in the system somewhere?

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