
Snake or Liazard as pets for a person with Asthma?

by Guest57473  |  earlier

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I have asthma, cronic which means its very bad. I cant get cats or dogs as im allergic to fur (dander). I wanted to get a snake or lizard, but i heard a rumor that when they shed their skin, it releases a chemical which i could be affected by, is this true?




  1. idk but i would so get a lizard

    if i got a snake i would be afraid that i would get out of its cage

  2. snakes are creepy and you cant even spell lizard, so i say you get a hamster. >.<

  3. no its not true, reptiles are great pets, they don't shed fur, they don't need to be walked or potty trained, and they don't make any noise, i have many reptiles and i love them, my corn snake is the best, i was watching TV yesterday and she was curled up around my hand for hours (shes a baby) and bearded dragons are amazing, they p**p only about once or twice a week, and are not very expensive to care for. they need a cage, bedding, a log or branch, food and a light.  they eat crickets and meal worms, and you just put some in the cage and they eat it.  don't worry about that rumor thing it it not true at all, my sis has asthma and i have many reptiles, she has never had any issues with them.  snakes and lizard are great pets, and i highly recommend them

  4. The only problem is with the dust from the wood that you put on the vivarium floor. Other than that I would think it would be ok....but do your research please as with any pet purchase.

    I never got any breathing issues with my snake but if in doubt get someone else to clean it out for you.

    Also there are dogs and cats which don't produce much dander and even the dogs and cats that do can be managed so they produce a reaction. see bottom link.

  5. i have chronic asthma and have 4 cats with no problems.

  6. I have asthma and is the reason why I have 3 snakes, instead of a dog or cats. They never bothered me during a shed.

  7. wut does astha have to do with reptiles..? they dont have hair

  8. Snakes are very cool pets. i know my friend who has 3 boas. they do shed their skin but it shouldnt affect you one bit.

  9. I have never heard that and I know people with both pets.

  10. No it is not true.

    It seems like this is your first reptile, so if you want a snake get a:

    1. Ball Python

    2. Corn Snake

    3. Milk Snake

    4. King Snake

    If you want a lizard:

    1. Bearded Dragon

    2. Leopard Gecko

    3. Tokay Gecko

    4. Green/Bahama Anole

    If you decide on a snake, don't get aspen bedding (it will affect your asthma) use a Reptile Carpet.  Look up some information on each of the herps I mentioned, and decide on the one you like most!  Good luck! :D

  11. reptiles are perfect for you then!  I'd go with a snake, they're lower maintenence than lizards.  I love snakes, I'm getting another one this weekend!  *so exciting*

    If it's your first time geting one, go with a king or corn snake.  they're the easiest pets you'll ever own and fun to carry around with you when you go places!

    and you won't be effected by anything, just keep their tank cleaned, and it'll be fine.

  12. It really doesn't matter, but I have seen snakes get out of their cages much easier and that would give me an asthma attack

  13. I've had severe asthma since I was in second grade, and I'm now 25.  I work for a nature center and care for all of the animals there, and the only animal that I have trouble with is our rabbit.  To take care of her (she lives outside, so indoor dander isn't really much of a problem) I have my bunny cleaning suit, which is an entirely different set of clothing, shoes, and a mask.  The other animals that I care for include snakes, a bearded dragon, an iguana, and several turtles.  I've never had a problem handling the shed skin of any of these animals.

    For the snakes and the iguana, I use a reptile carpet as bedding, while for the bearded dragon we use sand.  Sometimes strong smells affect my asthma, so if one of the snakes has left something really stinky behind, I'll slip on a dust mask before cleaning their cage just in case.

    You'll want to consider whether the food that you will need to keep will affect your asthma.  With many types of lizards you may need to keep live feeder insects, such as crickets or mealworms, make sure those don't affect you adversely.  Our snakes eat prekilled, frozen mice, so I don't have to worry about the dander from keeping live feeder mice or rats around, something else you'll want to consider.

    Good luck!

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