
Snake repellent - Is ther a high tech solution such as radio emitters?

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I am dead afraid of snakes. h**l, I am afraid of the occasional gardenhose too! ;)

So far, after much research, only mothballs seems to work. Is there a high tech solution, a type of noise, vibration, radio waves that snakes dislike? I live on 100 acres of land, all I want is to split the deal : 98 acres for them, snake free 2 acres for me...




  1. No. Repellent is as good as it gets.....and that only works in confined spaces- like under your house.

    Your best bet is to learn about snakes. Most snakes are harmless, and are actually beneficial to you. They all eat rats, and some even eat poisonous snakes.

    Its easy to tell which snakes are good snakes (assuming USA).

    All poisonous snakes have elliptical pupils in their eyes (cat eyes) , except the coral snake who have a round bird eye.

    All non-poisonous snakes have a round bird eye-except the Coral snake has a bird eye and is poisonous.

    So- there are only 2 kinds of snakes that you avoid.

    1. any snake with a cat eye.


    2. any snake that looks like a coral snake (red, black, and yellow bands).

    See- how easy it is.............

    Don't want to get close enough to look at its eyes??

    Okay- look at its head.

    All poisonous snakes (except the coral snake) have a triangular shaped head. You can spot this a little farther away.

    All non-poisonous snakes have an oblong head.

  2. No. Snakes don't have ears so one wouldn't work. Snakes don't want anything to do with you. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone. Mothballs is more a myth than anything. In order to get rid of snakes, you have to get rid of their food (rodents) and any hiding places.

  3. NO repellents have been shown to work against snakes- and dang few poisons or traps do either.

    The answer, as others have mentioned, is two-fold...

    1.) Get over the worst of your fears. Most of it is based on superstition, lack of knowledge, and lack of experience with snakes. When I was a teacher naturalist and worked with live snakes at a local nature center, one thing we were often successful with was getting people like you over the worst of their fears.

    2.) Snake-proofing your area by getting rid of hiding places and rodents.

    Try your local extension service for ideas specific to your area.

  4. that repellant is only effective against rattlesnakes, maybe coral snakes, and a few non-venomous species. water moccasins and copperheads don't react to it in the same way, neither do rat snakes. your best bet is to make that 2 acres as snake-unfriendly as you can. remove all woodpiles, sheet metal, piles of rocks, standing water, etc. also try removing any rodents, as they are the preferred food of many snakes.

    snakes aren't that bad, they mostly just want to be left alone.

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