
Snakes in my dream. Snakes flying and moving around me. But it was not fearful. Any idea what would it mean.?

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Snakes in my dream. Snakes flying and moving around me. But it was not fearful. Any idea what would it mean.?




  1. it means you should play metal gear solid and talk with solid snake. lol

  2. Snakes often mean rebirth, or are symbols of an Immortal.  In some cultures snakes are the great protectors of the people.  The dream could mean that the thing you feared will not be the thing to hurt you, but your fear could be.

  3. What it reaaly means is that you will have to start saying no.. Even when he say that I love you and even if I am only 16 or 17 I will get a job and support you.. For a male will say anything to get in your pants and once they do you are the one that gets stuck with the results.... And you are not ready to get stuck  with a baby...............

  4. More than one means you are going to be let down by somebody you trust.

  5. Indian guy told me snakes mean spirituality in a dream...

  6. dragons! they r dragons! I love dragons :)

  7. many possibilities because the snake is a difficult dream symbol because it is so widely interpreted among various cultures Interpretations run the gamut from blood-curdling fear to wisdom and peace  these options are determined by literary history and folklore from different cultures, as well as personal experience

    also it depends on how it is being used in your dream... for example if you are not scared and their not harming you then it could mean that in your near future there is going to be a time of great prosperity and deliverence

  8. Could be phallic symbolism.  Perhaps an awareness of your

    own blossoming sexuality (if you're at or near puberty).

  9. While the unknown factor of snakes can engender fear, it may also give rise to feelings of intrigue. Some people and cultures see snakes as exotic and possessing hidden wisdom. This is partly due to their mysterious nature and partly due to one of a snake's more prominent features: it's tongue. In Chinese astrology people born under the sign of the snake are considered extremely wise, sensual, and diplomatic--they have an ease of tongue which makes them able to navigate sticky situations. If a snake appears in your dream it may actually be there using its tongue to impart wisdom that may be life altering

  10. in indian tradition moving snakes symbolize the stirring of kundalini..... ..i knew a guy..... .

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