
Snapping turtle help

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hey ive been raising a snapping turtle for about a year i found him in november just a little baby on the top of the ground by a pond and he had a cut from something so i took care of it and i plan on raising it til it gets big enough to put in the pond/creek thing i built in my backyard its shell is now about 4 inches long and about 3 wide and hes getting fat and big but i was wondering ive been feeding him the little pellets u by at the store and occasionally worms and minnows what else can i feed him? Also any certain way to clean him ive been using an old toothbrush it that ok? Also i got a filter that will keep the water clear for about 2 weeks at a time then i change it every two weeks is that ok? Any help on these answer or hints or any suggestions would be aprreciated




  1. I never suggest taking a wild turtle out of the wild. Though I will try to help you as much as possible. Snapping turtles are mostly meat eaters and like fatty insects and proteins. They will enjoy crickets which is full of protein, meal worms and wax worms are fatty, so only good for once in a while, they will also enjoy super worms and things like that. Slugs and stuff are also enjoyable. All of those you should be able to buy at you local pet shop, even things like insects you can find in your backyard will be fine. Since the turtle you have described is obviously small you will not need to feed it everything in one day. Since they will also need not only meats, they will need things like veggies and fruits. Since snappers are more aquatic turtles they will like aquatic plants. They might also like tomatoes, peaches, berries, plums, and things like that. It also depends on the turtle. The minnows and pellets are great and serve as a great vitamin support. I would also suggest weighing him/her every once in a while. If you see any drastic weight loss that will serve as a problem. You should see over a certain period of time a weight gain. You will obviously need to use an ounce scale. Now as for washing him, an old toothbrush is fine. You can also buy at a local pet store a gel like substance, I forget what its called and rub it all over its shell, it will harden its shell, making it stronger and more resistant to cracks and chips, as well as leave a shiny, glossy look. The water filter is good for the hygiene of the turtle as turtles can be messy. Since you didnt directly ask anything about the set up and living environment of the turtle I will not get into any explanation of what heating unit you should use etc. etc.. The turtle would also benefit to get some time every day in the natural sunlight except for the colder winter months. If you have any furthermore questions you can contact me at I hope I could have been of assistance and good luck. :)

  2. I used to have a snapping turtle and I would feed him goldfish all the time. He loved it and that's all I knew to feed him. I would feed him pellets as well. Your doing fine with what you are doing. When mine was little, I would keep him in a tank and when he got too big, I had to move him to a pond and he was a lot happier. As long as your turtle can move around and has a spot to get out of the water and sun bathe, your good to go!

  3. Sounds as if you could be giving advice instead of asking for it. I'm not fond of petstore-bought food myself. You might try liver dusted in bonemeal when you can't catch live food. You might also ease off on the food if he's getting fat.

  4. Well i have a red-ear slider and it is also a water turtle. my sister got her on the streets of new york from a merchant. i have had her for about maybe 1 year and he might be about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide. i feed it the pellets and that is her main diet. maybe once a week i'll give him blood worms. these are what they sound like they are frozen blocks with worms and blood(not human) frozen together they might be 5-9 dollars at petsmart. I suggest when u feed him these you feed him in a separate cage because the worms get all over and the water get messy. but she eats one in less then 20 seconds so i guess he likes them alot so i think yours will too.  i just bought her a waterfall filter at petmart and she likes to get splashed and go right under it. other then that i think your a great pet owner to it. good luck. oh yeah remember that it needs a 100 w at least lamp to sun bathe under.

  5. turtletimes,com has caresheets

  6. I feed pellets, crickets, worms, and fish. Stay away from goldfish though. They are bad news for repitles: fatty, can contain parasites, and they contain a chemical called copper sulfate, which builds up in the kidneys and liver of repitles and can become toxic over a period of time. They also go crazy for crawfish (or crayfish if you're in the north!).

    They prefer shallow water where they can breathe while still sitting on the bottom. Hiding places such as plants or branches are appreciated. Here's a good caresheet for alligator snapping turtles that works for common snappers as well:
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