I have a 6yr old that is waking up and taking food from the pantry or off the counter. We have locked the pantry and keep anything food wise put up. He does not take things from the refridgerator only the pantry and its normally sweets such as granola bars, cereal, candy, chips, crackers and so on. I cleaned behind his bed to find over the last couple months a whole grocery bag full of wrappers. We have threatened to lock him in his room, take snacks away and nothing has worked. He lies about taking foods as well. He will take food even after eating a full dinner and getting a 'dessert'. He is 52lbs and is big as most 8 yr olds in height. He has to have elastic taps in his pants to hold them up so he is not over weight and not overally skinny. If its a food he likes he will eat more then my husband and myself will of it. We are at our wits end as the waking at night has now resulted in bed wetting and over tired ADD/ADHD bad behavior.