
Sneezing guinea pigs?

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I have 2 guinea pigs and they sneeze sometimes not excessively but at least 4-5 times everyday. I was wondering if some sneezing in guinea pigs is normal. I know that it can mean an upper respiratory infection and I took them in July for a checkup about that because I was worried that they had it. However, the vet looked them over and said they looked fine, but she did give me some medicine in case it got any worse. Well, I gave them the medicine and they are still sneezing, like I said not excessively, but they are sneezing. So how much sneezing is too much for a guinea pig? Thanks in advance!

BTW: They have fleece bedding so I'm pretty sure bedding isn't the problem. Thanks!




  1. sneezing is pretty normal in guinea pigs

  2. not good

    Every rodent owner waits in fear for there sweety to sneeze it probably has a cold or something but if the doctor says no it might still have one some doctors will lie and say its nothing and when it gets worse youll have to come in and spend a lot more money on what started out as something as simple as the common cold

    maybe its something in the food

  3. when u give them pellets the dust can come off the pellets so if u sift ur pellets and there is no dust it should clear up, the dust causes upper respiratory problems it should say on the food container too

  4. quinea pigs usually do sneeze, so it's no problem.  But maybe it's to cold in your house.

  5. that's normal
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