
Sneezing rat???????????????????/?

by  |  earlier

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Well I know rats are pretty prone to upper resp. issues, but one of my rats sneezes alot. There is no discharge in his eyes, nose, or mouth and he is still high energy, playful, and eating and drinking well. Is he just a 'sneezer' or should I be worried?




  1. it could just be sneezing!

    but if ur worried you might as well take to see a vet better too bee safe than sorry.

    hope your rats okay. x

  2. well my brother had a rat that sneezed a lot also,  and it ended up dying like 3 months after we bought it

  3. don't worry. mine does that too.

    they sneeze the same reason we do.

  4. Try to change the bedding. do not use wood shavings, but something like compressed sawdust, or compresses paper.

    My mice were all sneezing while I was using wood shavings as bedding, but it all changed after I started to use something that looks like this:

    Have a look at this page:

    Hope this might help

  5. Rats sneeze when they are stressed and an occasional sneeze is nothing to worry about. If one of your rats is consistently sneezing a lot, you should take it to the vet. There is no such thing as a "sneezer" - sneezing indicates irritation. It could be allergy or it could be a sign of a low grade infection starting. Either way, you want to be sure. If it is a nascent respiratory infection you will have a chance to knock it out before your rat's lungs are damaged.

    Also, be sure you are not using dusty bedding and keep the cage meticulously clean.

  6. Maybe you should ask ur parents or someone. If i were you i wouldn't be too worried.

  7. hahah lol sneezing rat

    yh normal

  8. i wouldent worry to much about it!!but if you notice any changes in its apatitethem you should eather call the pet store you got him from and ask about it or tade him to the vet!!

    hope this helps!!

  9. Does he sneeze all the time, or just in certain situations, like when you take him out of the cage? How long have you had him? Rats in new situations can tend to sneeze a lot, or rats who aren't very used to coming out the the cage. My boy Reggie used to sneeze every time I took him out for the first month or so, but he eventually tapered off and stopped once he got used to it.

    If your rat just sneezes often no matter what the situation, you should get him checked out just to be sure he's alright. He may also be allergic to the bedding you're using, that happens sometimes.

  10. they proble just sniffed the air that had a difrent sent then usual

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