
Snooker Question?

by  |  earlier

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what would happen if after a safety shot the white ended up in the jaws of a pocket and a colour stopped in front of it in such a way that the next player has no way to hit a red on his next shot even by going off a cushion.




  1. he would have to make the ball jump somehow

  2. shot can be replayed from where it was

  3. That player would be snookered. That's pretty much the definition. You would force that player to hit a ball out of order.

  4. It wud be a foul shot.

    you might be right but my guess is that it would not be a deliberate foul shot,

    the ref would judge it as a proper attempt.

  5. The next player would merely have to foul his next shot, but the referee would not call a 'miss' in this instance. All intentional jump shots are illegal in snooker.

  6. The ref can only call a foul and a miss if, in their judgement, the player did not make the best attempt possible to hit the target ball. In this situation it would be incredibly cruel of the ref to call foul and a miss if the player did what he could (jump shots are of course illegal in snooker), and anyway chances are the snookered player's opponent would not ask for the ball to be replaced out of simple good sportsmanship.

  7. if a player ends up in this situation then a delibrate foul must be played...the balls would not be put back as the player had no option.this is in the rules handbook.

  8. That is why it is called snooker !
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