
Snooker cues handmade or buy from shop?

by  |  earlier

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what is better im 14 and need my first cue looking to spend up to 180£.

i need to know weather i should get a handmade cue or one from this shop

a handmade takes 6 weeks




  1. Purchase your initial or first cue from the shop. You probably haven't played enough pool yet to know what weight cue your comfortable with, what kind of tip suites you, or even if you're going to like the game. Also, your hands will grow some more and the size diameter of the shaft is another factor you'll have to consider later on. You can purchase a decent cue for around $100.00. A custom or handmade cue is going to be expensive and is something that isn't necessary just yet.

  2. If your just starting out, buy the cheaper one from the site. A hundred and eighty bucks is dirt cheap for a hand made cue.

  3. Do the same job, i got to my loca pool hall and the cues there are sh*t but i still recon Ronnie 'The Rocket' could win a game or two with one! Its the way you use it as they say!

  4. Go buy it from the shop.  There is no reason you need to purchase a handmade cue.

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