
Snooker practice?

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how many hours should i be practicing snooker

im 14 and i want to be a pro

i practice 5 hours a week now its not enough

i also get coaching once a week

how many hours is perfect for me




  1. I admire your ambition! There is no "perfect" amount of time to spend practicing and learning. You're young so you have some constraints like school and chores around the house. Put those things first before you devote the rest of your time to pool. That way, your mind won't be clouded or distracted by outside influences.

    Some of this will seem like homework but any endeavor demands research and development. I would suggest a fews things for the time you're going to invest in playing.

    Find someone that is a superior player and knowledgeable about the game. Play them as often as you can because you aren't going to learn anything playing somebody that knows less than you do.

    Spend some time just watching seasoned players. Study their stance, stroke, ball selection, execution of shots, and any little nuances you can pick up. Don't be afraid to ask questions. A superior player may seem arrogant when you confront them but they will be more than willing to start talking and imparting their knowledge once they know they have a captive audience. You'll be making them feel important. :)

    Purchase "Standard Book of Pool and Billiards" by Robert Byrne and read it cover to cover. There is a wealth of information there and you will find yourself referencing the pages over and over and over again for the better part of the rest of your life.

    All that brings me to "playing" time. Practice as much as you can, one, two, three hours a day if you can, and take a week off about every three months. Don't pick up a cue during that time. The mind and body get stale after too much of anything so you need some time to refresh yourself. I hope all of this helps.

  2. 10 HOURS A WEEK
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