
Snooker prize money?

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does snooker as a sport have good prize money

and what the total 2007/2008 prize money for winners go up to




  1. The snooker world championship offers a total of £1,378,920 ($2,836,177.14) including £250,000 ($514,193.88) to the overall winner and £125,000 ($257,104.52) to the runner up.

    The 6 ranking tournements overall prize funds range from £200,000 ($411,286.39) to £500,000 ($1,028,087.70) with the winners receiving £30,000 ($61,685.26 ) to £60,000 ($123,370.52).

    The total prize money for all 6 ranking events (not including the world championships or China Open) is £1575000

    ($3,238,502.00) (including the world championship it would be £2,952,920 ($6,071,779.38))

    If you one all the ranking events and the world championship you could earn £743,140 ($1,528,040.76) a year not including the extra money each tournament gives for the highest break of the tournament and a maximum break of 147

    Take away the world championship and i don't think its great prize money personally. You could win a tournament a year and still not be counted as wealthy. If you don't win a tournament every year then you going to find it hard to get by. Of course they have advertising and endorsement deals on top of that aswell.

  2. Its OK I guess why not just ck the players stats. it will tell you how much & where Im not that familiar with Snooker tourns.Im sure they have a few diffrent ones
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