
Snooker question please?

by Guest33734  |  earlier

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lets say i am in the "ideal " place, top side of the blue , to be able to split the pack via the pink ball . Where would i need to hit the cue ball in order to knock in the blue and hit the pink. i would like an answer for both sides of the table please.....Many thanks




  1. Idont play as much as I used to, but top spin is needed , therefore hit the ball near the top , and depending which side of the pink you want to go determines which side of the ball you strike , i.e. left of centre or right of centre of ball.


  3. Ahh..snooker.

    Let me see now...

    Oh yes...

    ..Let's say you are on the right side of the table. You would need to hit the cue ball on the bottom/right to induce spin to the ball so that after contact with the blue, the white ball firstly continues in a forward trajectory but then will curve back and to the right,  thus making contact with the pink/reds.

    From the left of the table, use bottom left spin.

    If you are slightly off try 3/4 , (of the way down the ball) spin on the right side from the right hand side.

  4. hit the cue ball just below middle with a reasonable amount of pace,that always works for me

  5. This is an almost impossible question to answer without a diagram, and should ideally be demonstrated on the practice table.

    Generally though the cue ball should be hit below the centre line, but with some practice you would be able to choose not only to hit the pink, but also which part of the pink to hit, this would determine in which direction the cue ball would travel after hitting the pink and splitting up the reds, and therefore getting the ideal position for the next red.

    As with all aspects of the game, practice, and the ability to remember what happens after each practice shot is the key to good break buiding.

  6. Go and practice, and see what the cue ball does when you hit it in the middle. Then you can hit it to the left,or right of centre to give it spin. You will have to practice to understand what the ball does.

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