
Snooker revamp to include televised shoot out

by IV  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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For the first time since 2004, Sky Sports will broadcast a World Snooker event, the new World Snooker Shoot Out from next year.

The event will take place between January 28th and 30th, and will feature the top 64 players in the world playing in a random draw over a one-frame shoot out.

The tournament is part of new World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association chairman Barry Hearn’s radical plans to revamp the sport, as he has added more events for the players to play in and increased prize money. Hearn also plans to introduce 11 televised tournaments and a new Pro Tour consisting of 12 events, which would be open to all 96 players on the circuit. The World Snooker Shoot Out is just one of these new televised events. Hearn already introduced the World Open at this year’s world championships, as well as bringing a new ranking event to Berlin for the first time in 14 years, the German Masters.

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  1. Brian
    Pot Black by a new name

    The BBC did bring back Pot Black about 4 years ago as a one-off


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