
Snooker table size?

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what size of room would i need for a full size snooker table 12foot x 6 foot





  2. 23' x 17' would give you plenty of room even if you're using a full 59" cue, and you can get longer cues for full table shots, but they're not exactly commonly found.  And you most likely wouldn't be using that for all around the table.  One more thing to consider, are you putting any other furniture in the room other than some chairs in the corners?  if so you'll probably want to tack on a few extra feet in one or both directions.  If I were having a room added on specifically to put a snooker table in I'd probably go 30 x 20.  This will leave you adequate space around the table and have plenty of room to add a bar, a few small tables in the corners, spectator chairs, cue racks etc.

  3. I think you should double it, to take a shot, you need to have sufficient room for your cue end to end at the side of the table, otherwise forget it, you wont enjoy squeezing up a wall to take a shot.

  4. The rule of thumb seems to be and additional 4' of space on each side of the table but I recommend nothing less than 5' feet considering snooker cues are typically longer than a standard pool cue. You just don't want to have any obstructions around a table when you're trying to play serious pool. So, your room should be 22' x 16' to accommodate the table.

  5. Uhh who cares its snooker and pool what is that anyway.

  6. measure the cue space you need then and about a foot onto that then add that measurement from the edge of the table that should do you

  7. They usually say you need a good 5ft on either side so that you can easily make any shot. That would mean the room has to be 22ft x 16ft, and that's why most people don't hve the full size tables in their homes!

  8. twice the size of table 24X12 for cueing

  9. minimum 24ftx12ft
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