
Snooker world championship 2008?

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Whos everyone backing this year?

i backed neil robertson each way at 20-1 because i like the look of his draw, and he is playing extremly well.

And mark selby outright :D




  1. mark selby's the man to watch,neil robertson has had a terrible year.

  2. Sounds like You know what You are talking about, but I do not have a list of participants..A good player should not hve to draw too much!! is definitely good to know how, and it is easy, if You are On, in stroke..

  3. i dont think it will be a year for the big guns, i personally think marco fu will win and steve davis will do very well.

    not a year for o,sullivan i believe you will see the bad old sullivan antics.

  4. Id like to see Shaun Murphy, Neil Robertson & Ding Junhui go all the way & win it. These to me represent the future of snooker .

    No disrespect to the others but they just dont excite me enough (No, i dont mean that they play boring) Just that they dont hv the ability or X factor if you will to make you sit up and pay attention! O' Sullivan... sure hes as brilliant as you can get, but hes far too inconsistant or always getting into some kind of trouble to really be taken seriously.

    On a nostalgic side, to see Hendry or Davis win another title wld be nice.

  5. i think john higgins will win again well i hope so lol

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