
Snoop dog not getting a visa to enter the uk, what do you think?

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Snoop dog not getting a visa to enter the uk, what do you think?




  1. fair enough...

  2. Hypocrisy. I don't like his image, his music or his exploitation of others through the p**n industry but if Jean-Marie Le Pen (who is a convicted criminal) can enter, why can't he?  There should be uniformity.

  3. Too bad.

    Then maybe we could have refused to let him back in the U.S.!

  4. who cares.  Mybe we need to send hime to Africa and not back to th USA

  5. He should not be allowed into the country,look at the problems he caused last time,a very shady,dubious character,it's better to be safe than sorry!

  6. Hoorah he's not coming in! The Home Office finally woke up.

    Vile lyrics from a previous gang member - we do not need him preaching his violent take on the world when we have so many misguided kids around.

  7. That's what happens when you start trouble in other countries.  They don't let you back.

  8. He is a legend

  9. why the h**l should he get 1.  just becouse he is a star doesent entitle him to a visa above anyone else.

  10. Finally...

    ...  there IS such thing as justice!!!

  11. you gotta laugh

  12. Its a disgrace - the guy is incredible cant beleive they wont let him in...

  13. oh well !

  14. couldn't care less.

  15. his music and by extension him promotes gun culture. Good for the Home Office

  16. I think its a disgrace - It should be Sir Snoop Dogg ! He should be knighted !

  17. yea that's unacceptable. if i can get a visa (unknown person, regular guy) and snoop can't, i don't know whats going on anymore.

  18. Does not surprise me .They know he takes his weed with him every where he goes .They just lost 16 good men .They dont want to replace them with weed heads .

  19. I dont really give a rat's ****. But, Ive heard hes anti-everything that doesnt shoot old women for fun. So sod him, he can go back to America and use it for publicity.

  20. quite right too.  He advocates violence, gun culture ... what the heck can he contribute to the UK?

  21. Well considering the amount of hassle he's caused our police force in the past and the general nature of his antics globally, its a miracle he even got as far as applying for a VISA. Good move on our part. We'd have to provide extra security (guns/violence/rap music - disconnect it all you like, you still can't shake off the stereotypes), and quite frankly his last album flopped in the UK so there wouldn't be many to miss him.

  22. Live with it. Every thing one does have consequences! Especially if it's against the law and you're found guilty!

  23. i thought its only africans that they dont give visas to considering they have the highest refusal rates at the embassies.its good to hear coz i dont like his music or him.

  24. I think he is a slimy buck,living off of little hoochy mommas.Don't buy his videos,if you don't like them they will keep your money and not even acknowledge you sent it back to them.Maybe we'll get lucky and his blackassed jet will crash and burn.

  25. snoop rocks my world! Read an interview with him and you will see he is a good man. The immigrizzle always mess with your stizzle coz they answer to the daily mizzle.

  26. well done home office. its about time you got something right

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