
Snorkelers Please Help!!!! (Also Scuba Divers)!!!! Please Answer!!!!?

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The reason we are asking is because nate and I are going to the beach for a summer full of adventures so please answer.

1. Which is a better experience snorkeling or scuba?

2. What is a good Brand?

3. What is better dry snorkel or normal snorkel?

4. Were should you go?

5. Why is it fun?

6. were is the best place to buy gear.

Thank You!

Matt and Nate




  1. Guys, I'd really like to help, but some of your questions can not be answered very well because I don't know where you live (in general, of course) and where you are going (again, in general). Let me address what I can:

    1) It depends. Snorkelling is much cheaper and requires no official certification. All you need is a mask, a snorkel and fins...OK maybe some sunscreen. You can see a lot of sea life just snorkelling. It is actually very enjoyable. And you can go any time you want.  Scuba is definitely more exciting, but much, much more expensive and time consuming to get certified. There is quite a lot of equipment to purchase, and the cert classes are not cheap, unless you know someone.

    2) This is a very subjective question. It has a lot to do with personal preference and also what equipment is available in your area. DO NOT buy safety-related gear over the internet! Wet suit, weights, dive bags and the like, but not regulators, BCs or dive watches. A trip to a few local dive shops will help you to sort this out. Actually, if you can, rent your gear in the beginning, until you develop your own opinions and preferences for brands and style of equipment. We spent about $2000.00 each on our dive gear, and we definitely did not go top-of-the-line on our gear.

    3) I use a dry snorkel, but a normal one will usually be less expensive.

    4) I happen to live in an area where we can go to the beach every day. Snorkelling is easy there, and diving is not availabel year-round. I don't know what your living situation is, and I'm not asking. If you are travelling to a beach area for some vacation, try to find some local dive/snorkelling information on the internet. Also, locals can help you find good dive spots.

    5) Snorkelling is fun because you can do it with little gear, and go any time with no fuss. Scuba diving is great because being under water is like being weightless. I thought it would be suffocating, but my experience has been exactly the opposite. Under water, it feels like you are floating in space, and there is so much to see. It's incredible. Just be safe and follow ALL safety training and precautions.

    6) I think I covered this earlier. If you are in California, try Sports Chalet, especially if you do decide to rent your gear first. They have great rental rates. That's exactly what we did when we first started diving 5 years ago.

    You are welcome. Try going to for more information. Most people there are very willing to help beginners with information.

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