
Snorkelers and scuba divers?

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A few questions:

-My sis and dad keep arguing over stiff fins or flexible fins as being better. Is there really a difference or is it just personal preferrence? I've been happy with my US Divers flexible ones, but should I consider going stiff finned?

-What do you think about the fins that have holes in them? When I first saw these, I thought it was a joke and that it would increase drag, but they seem to be booming on the market.

-What brands do you use? What brands do you like/prefer or would want if price didn't matter?

-What are some of your favorite dive sites? I prefer snorkel because it's cheaper and easier to move in the water. The Caymen Islands has been my favorite place for diving so far, but I'm going to Hawaii in a few days, so it may change.

-What can I do about fins that are a little too big? They are shoe style (no strap) and stay on ok, but I almost lost them to a big wave once(Yeah I made the mistake of judging the size in the store). I want to lose the extra space.




  1. It's all personal preference and the type of diving and kick style you do.

    I've tried the split fins and also a softer blade fin but don't have either the kick style nor are these fins any good to me in the type of diving I do (wrecks and in current). I get better mileage out of my Blades which are one of the stiffest fins out there.

    I'm afraid I can't help you in the fit department. Full heel  fins are useless where I dive. We all use open heel/ booties here.

  2. i prefer split fins for shallower water snorkeling you get a whole lot of power from shorter fins

    i prefer stiff long fins for deeper free-diving/ snorkeling but you have to be able to move them easily because it gets a little tiring to do those if you don't have enough leg muscle.

    i use us divers mostly

    there are some good wrecks of NC but they are kinda deep

    for your loose shoes try fabricating something out of hot glue or plastic and put it in the heel of the shoe

    good luck and hope Hawaii's fun

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