A few questions:
-My sis and dad keep arguing over stiff fins or flexible fins as being better. Is there really a difference or is it just personal preferrence? I've been happy with my US Divers flexible ones, but should I consider going stiff finned?
-What do you think about the fins that have holes in them? When I first saw these, I thought it was a joke and that it would increase drag, but they seem to be booming on the market.
-What brands do you use? What brands do you like/prefer or would want if price didn't matter?
-What are some of your favorite dive sites? I prefer snorkel because it's cheaper and easier to move in the water. The Caymen Islands has been my favorite place for diving so far, but I'm going to Hawaii in a few days, so it may change.
-What can I do about fins that are a little too big? They are shoe style (no strap) and stay on ok, but I almost lost them to a big wave once(Yeah I made the mistake of judging the size in the store). I want to lose the extra space.