
Snow and rainfall in Victoria, BC-- how much and when?

by Guest56929  |  earlier

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Well, we're planning to move there in August of this year, and I was just wondering how much snow/rain there actually is. So if you live there please reply! More specifically: which months is rain most common, which months is snow most common, how many days are there snow on average (including unmelted snow from previous days), and how does the snow affect the roads. Any answers are greatly appreciated.




  1. Like most of the BC coast, well, even a bit less than the coast, Victoria has very little snow on average.  But any given winter or any given storm can be worse.  Not getting much snow, you usually get a Storm that comes along and it shuts everything down, then a couple days later the snow is melted and there is no sign it happened.  The highway connecting Victoria to the rest of the Island is usually the first to go due to snow.  AND recently a fall rain and wind storm can be just as devastating with power outages, floods and downed trees.  Lots of trees in Victoria, but I think surrounding areas have had it rougher for black outs.

    Check out this site.  It says average of 6 days in January where there is a 1 cm or greater snow cover, and 4 days in December, and 1 day in February for an average of 11 days a year.

    You can look at rain statistics there too, but Victoria's location has advantages and get less rain than most BC coast areas.

  2. it hardly snows here.....if it does then we get it in dec/jan

    it rains from oct-april

  3. Snowfall, if any, is usually in December or January, but could happen anytime from November till April. It doesn't usually stay on the ground all that long but can make mincemeat of traffic while it's there. Best bet, if snow is predicted, is to stock up at the store and try not to drive anywhere till things settle down, especially if you don't have snow tires and/or aren't used to driving in snow. Rain generally starts in late September and often doesn't really go away till sometime in June, but that doesn't mean it rains all winter. There will be nice days too. When it does rain, it will often do so for a day or more at a time, but it's usually light rain, not a deluge. The worst months for rain are November/December, when you can get some genuine storms. You can go to the Weather Network and get stats.

  4. It normally does not snow in Victoria. It has a similar climate to Seattle, but with much less rain.

    If it does snow, the snow is usually gone in 1 or 2 days at the most(washed away by rain).

    Rain is usually prevalent in October, November, December, January, February, March and April.

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