
Snow clothes?

by  |  earlier

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one thing i know is that nylon is good against snow/water. but my stepdad gave me this nice jacket (saved me 70 dollars or so) and its made out of polyester and has that faux fur thing. is this a good jacket because im about to go on a ski/snowboarding trip??




  1. i beliieve it is a fine jacket....

  2. most of the new jackets on the market today have both nylon and polyester.  they seem to do a great job at stoping the wind.  as to whether they stop the water, that would depend on the ammount of waterproofing that the jacket has.  if you have the cance to go out in the snow before you go snowboarding   It will do just fine for you, most of the time my friends and I just wear under armor with a sweatshirt.  have a good season.
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