
Snowboard Binding Angles Question?

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I am having a lot of difficulty deciding on angles for my bindings.

I either want to have +15 or +12 on the front. And either -9, -6, -3 or 0 on the back. I am a goofy footed rider. I ride a 140 lib tech board. I am 170 cm - 5 foot 7. And am 50 kg - 110 lbs. I am an intermediate rider and I like doing rails and aerial tricks, I usually stay out of the half pipe and stick to park kickers. I also like to ride the rest of the mountain and occasionally carve a bit of powder. I would like a set up that will be good for both park and all mountain riding.

Which combination of the angles that I provided would best suit me?

I know it really depends on the person and can vary a lot but what set of angles would you recommend for me?

Thanks :-)




  1. front 15 back 15.........or front 15 back -12

  2. i would say go with a bigger board even for park.   Im about 5,9 and about 114 and i ride a skate banana 152 and its more then perfect and it allows me to get alittle more width in my stance and my stance is 20,-20 and its so perfect and my width is spread about 24 in so i can get that nice tip to tail for some nose presses.   I would really recommend a bigger board but if you cant then dont sweat.  im still gonna answer your question and since your wanting to do alittle park riding i would do like +12 and -9 or if you can then do +15 and -12.   stance is  more of a personal preferance so just play around with it and youll know what youll like.  good luck hope i helped.

  3. a 140? dude are sure your boards just not too small? thats like kids sizes try looking at a 150-154 cause surely your stance is suffering if the boards so small!

  4. That board size sounds fine to me - you are tall but you are very light. At only 110lbs a 140 board is about right for freestyle but probably a little small for trying to ride powder.

    Binding angles are really a preference thing. Personally I would never suggest going more than +12 on the front becuase it makes it too hard to ride switch. I have tried riding "duck" with a negative angle on the back and didnt' like it - you should just try it and see if it is for you. I would suggest trying +9 / -3 and see what you think. I used to have a positive angle on the back and went to 0 - I liked that and now ride +9 / 0.

    Good Luck

  5. Well aparentally Tahoe-T is on crack, because even though you're light in weight, i am 5'1 and ride a 140, you are a full 6 inches taller than me and riding a board that fits me perfect for park, I'd say get a 146 That'd fit you on the small end but be good for park, and as for stance, its up to you, remeber if your going to be riding switch you want the angles to be close to the same, i'd say probably a 15 or a 12 for each is a standard stance .. i ride a 140 and my stance is like 28 or something but thats cause i ride a wide stance  

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